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Would you be upset if NRS's next game was MKSM2 Instead of MKX?

What would you rather see?

  • Mortal Kombat X/II/10

    Votes: 45 75.0%
  • Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks 2

    Votes: 15 25.0%

  • Total voters
To actually answer the OP's question rather than trolling the thread, I wouldn't mind of the game was MKSM2 if they re-released MK9 as a XBone Arcade / PS4N (or whatever they'll be called) game with an updated balance patch.
Plus 4 new characters and we agree on that.


More salt please.
I'd be happy with a HD port of MK: SM, but honestly would it be too much to have it be apart of MK10 kinda like how Tekken 6 had that crazy adventure mode.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Shaolin Monks was a fun experiment.. but Mortal Kombat is a fighting game. I think MK has gone through enough experimentation. I want MK to solidify and start becoming more consistent. NRS struck gold with MK9's formula, now all they have to do is refine it and improve on it.

Do any of you know what over-saturation is? You should, because it's what happened to MK in the late 90's and early 2000. Tons of these lame spin-offs were produced, and it came from video games, TV shows, 2 theatrical movies, that godawful Journey Begins nightmare, live performances, and a damned On Ice special probably happened somewhere. People got tired of all that nonsense.

I fear the same thing is dangerously close to happening AGAIN. Now we have the web series and a planned theatrical reboot with a tie-in game releasing at the same time. Now you guys what to bring back a game from MK's era when, while decent, started to go downhill (arguably way past that point already)? WHY?

As I said, Shaolin Monks was a decent attempt at something different. However it comes from a dark, dark time in MK's history when it almost fucking died off completely. LEAVE IT ALONE. DOES NOBODY ELSE SEE THE PATTERN?! I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS! I JUST WANT MK TO BE A FIGHTING GAME AAAAAGGHHGHHJGl;;;
You are right, and you are wrong.

Personally I'd rather see MK10 than MKSM2. To be honest, I'm a little taken aback by seeing so many people in this thread wanting MKSM2 rather than a proper MK game.

IMO, MKSM was a fun game, and if an MKSM2 came out with online and whatever else they chose to cram in there, that may be fun too; but at the end of the day the story in MKSM was trash, and it didn't/couldn't take the place of a proper MK installment. Being as abjective as I can be, MK Armageddon was WAY better than MKSM...and I kinda hated that game.

That being said, MKSM sold very well when it came out, was recieved fairly well by critics, and wasn't a part of the "oversaturation" that the MK franchise took part in in the late 90's. When MKSM came out, it, MKDA, MKD, and MKA all helped (well really were the only games) to sustain a company (Midway) that was being horribly managed. Even MKvsDC (which I hated more than MKA btw) sold well and did it's job. It wasn't until WB stepped in to "save" NRS from falling by the wayside with more money; relatively speaking, NRS was making gold with the "scraps" that Midway was giving them during the early/mid 2000's.

All in all, MK is a fighting game franchise. If they want to do something like what they did in the past like making a fighting game with other modes, similar to what they did in MKA, I'd be down for that, but a stand alone side game like MKSM wouldn't sit well with me. I want some 1v1 action with the characters I love that I can play for years at a time...not an adventure game I'll play 1 or 2 times through, and then play again maybe years down the line.
then again i think i would prefer mk10. i mean everyone is hyping it up since majority of the community either complains about injustice and/or dont like the game anymore. i like injustice but thats besides the point. i miss mortal kombat and would like to see mk10 first before another game they make. i have high hopes for mk10 as well especially since injustice is better. if they just put some of the new mechanics from injustice in mk10 and touch it up a bit it can be great. which is why im so hype for it to come out