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Would James Bond make a good guest character in Mortal Kombat?


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Depends on what your criteria is for a guest character. To me, a good guest character has to check a couple boxes:

1. Popular/Strong Brand and potential for cross promotion. I'd say James Bond is certainly popular enough, given the highly successful books/movie franchise/video games. I'm not sure if the cross promotion potential is quite as strong though. Most of the Bond crowd seems to be older people, and movie fans, not necessarily the target audience for MK.

2. Potential for interesting move sets in the MK universe. To me this kind of thing favors science fiction characters, monsters, horror characters, or characters with a distinct martial arts background or fighting background of some kind. Bond is more grounded in your typical spy movie universe, so he's mostly limited to simple gun moves, generic hand to hand combat, and maybe some gadgets. The gadgets offer the most potential, but I don't see a lot of the traditional combat from the Bond movies translating very well to a fighting game.

3. How much they "fit" into the MK universe. To me MK is very fantasy/epic/sci-fi/horror kind of universe. It's why there's a lot of synergy between comic books, horror movies, over the top action movies (as opposed to spy movies). It's why MK mostly gets their guest characters from those genres. Certainly subjective, but I don't really see James Bond as fitting in to the MK Universe of characters.

So I guess TLDR: No.


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Examples of characters I think would make good guests (no priority in the order, just a list):

  1. Judge Dredd
  2. Xena Warrior Princess
  3. Beatrixx Kiddo


This is my billionth life cycle.
The guest characters need a level of brutality (no pun intended) in their own universe / IP, someone who's basically James Bond but an overall better fit would be someone like John Wick, though I don't really want him.

I really liked in Injustice when Zod had that promotional Superman movie skin, I'd love to have more guest/promotional skins like that. If we had Erron Black in MK1, having a "The Ghoul" skin from the Fallout TV show for him would be awesome. I think I'd prefer these over having too many separate guest characters.
Red Sonja
Motoko Kusanagi
Adam Smasher

Nah, I don't think James Bond would make a good fit to be honest. I agree with @wsj515 the guest characters should have a level of brutality.