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Wonder Woman Midscreen 50/50

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
If it's that
DUDE so i was just messing with this today and i found (although not consistently) you land a mb tiara you can dash up and hit standing 1 and it will combo so you can go right into a mix up from confirming a mb tiara, ive only gotten it twice, but it works

just some interesting info

EDIT: got it 5 out of 30 times lol
If it's that difficult, why not dash up and just do the 50 50 as they recover from the mb tiara? However if we can do this consistently hit confirming into 11 spin will be really great.


Character Loyalist
... I do like this set-up. However I keep on asking myself: Why wouldn't you use b+2, 2 after Ex-Tiara? This would be the move that your opponent expects. Thus he will be even more surprised, if you end the usual combo (b+2,2,3,b+3, ...) right after the second 2.
On hit the frame advantage after b+2, 2 is something like +10, I think. Both 3 and b+2 are more or less guaranteed then.

Besides I would be grateful if anyone could explain the other midscreen 50/50 in detail. So after any b+3 a f+3 will cause a hard knockdown. What exactly are the option to continue from there?

Thanks in advance!