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Question Winning vs Losing


Infinite Meter Kombos
From an early age, we are taught that:


This is a very simplistic point of view.

The stupidest argument that you can have is with an Online warrior who thinks that he is "Better" than you because he won.

This morning I lost two games to a Smoke player. He did No kombos. All he did was Wake Up attack with P1 advantage. Was he "Better than me because he won"? In actual fact, I had just got out of bed and was still half asleep, so well done, he's "better" than somebody who is half asleep.

People say that losing is Good because you Learn from Losing.
Winning leads to ego leads to over confidence leads to arrogance.

I miss the old games, where you could Draw.

Don't know where I'm going with this.... Discuss.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
If you lost to comboless smoke with P1 advantage, even if he isn't "better" than you, you still aren't very good to begin with so whats the point of drawing lines in the sand?

Play to improve and have fun, and try to win but don't get discouraged if you don't always succeed. That's all you need.


Lex Flex
Winning doesn't mean you don't learn anything and losing doesn't mean you learn anything

Simply observing patiently and deducting how you could have lost with your knowledge of the game mechanics helps you learn

if you don't understand how you lost with adept knowledge of the game, look at what you did wrong, if not adept, learn more about the game.

anyway, win or lose doesn't matter too much to me
All for fun end of the day.