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Wifi testing at new locations...


More Displacer Raiden, please! ;P
I wanted to let everyone know I'm very eager to play more online matches, and I tried public wifi at a new location. It seems that StarBucks on a low signal strength works better than local library wifi (maybe more ppl were using it than SB), but also, at SB I played someone from Michigan, which is closer to me. Today I played a guy from NY, though Supes sorta felt laggier than Bats, but I heard that Bats is overall faster, yet I'm already getting better faster with Bats even though I've practiced Supes a lot more.

CRK Fiend and I tested MMH today but we didn't have enough battery charge left to try the laggiest stages lol. It didn't seem worse than the lag from other characters, but I'm still going to hold out on MMH until hopefully NR releases another bug fix/patch.

I'm going to try Starbucks again after practicing more low combos and finding ideal damage and 'tech', as everyone calls it. Hopefully using the mic in the store will be ok, as opposed to using it in the outdoor section of my library (where ppl were studying)

:) Please feel free to send me match invites! I heard ranked matches take forever to find, still...small but growing community.

Trip Se7ens

Nom Nom
So is MMH the only char that makes the game lag? How is the rest of the game because I really want to get this game for the Vita!


More Displacer Raiden, please! ;P
So is MMH the only char that makes the game lag? How is the rest of the game because I really want to get this game for the Vita!
I LOVE this game so far. I always wanted to play it but only on the go. My fave' character unfortunately is MMH and his basic combos are often very difficult to do consistently cos he lags up the game, and some of the stages are hard to play on cos of offline and online lag, but I already played against CRK Fiend and another good player and the lag wasn't too bad, but I was using crappy wifi connections lol. My job has wifi with more than twice the signal strength of the best connection I used so far, and the download speed is about 3 times as fast, so that should help. Unfortunately when ppl from my friends' list were online at the same time, I either had to start my work shift or they were busy and probably sent me a reply message after I left the store :p

I'll try the wifi at work when someone's online again at the same time and available to play :) My next days off are W and Th and I'll be wifi-hunting until hopefully I get a wireless router for an X-Mas prez or some junk. I've got about 15 friends on my list and I haven't even scratched the surface of the Vita players on the leaderboards, which is where/how I found some more players! It might help if I could find some WEST Coast U.S. players to test the distance...almost everyone seems to be East Coast or Midwest, but if it works better, I won't care.

ALSO...some characters seem to play better online than others in terms of combos. I'm gonna try out my new Batgirl, Nightwing and Raven and compare them to Supes and Bats. Supes seems to be the slowest so far lol, but I'm also new, so my nerves, lack of knowledge of overheads and lows in this game and lack of understanding of the game mechanics are probably affecting my success rate, so to speak.