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Wich ones did you figure out on your own?


Fatalities, friendships, pits?

I remember on mk1, i figured out EVERY single fatality by my self, i played it on amiga 500 back then, so i only had 1 button to press, still needed to do the right combination though:)
But on mk2 i was lazy and looked up most on the internet, but i did figured out liu kangs scissor kick, baraka´s babality, johnnys babality, mileenas inhale, johnnys pit, johnnys friendship, mileenas babality and the dead pool fatality myself.

Did you figure out anyones yourself???


scorps fat was the same i figurd it out in mk1. barakas decapitation. luis scissor from playing online. mileenas inhale. cage and barakas babalities. could b more.


I found out reptile's on my own. I did kitana's decap by mistake one time but i still had to look online to know what I did.


all I remember is thinking going invisible was one of the most unheard of and incredibly hard things to pull off ever


Back then for fat,bab,friendship I went straight to Gamepro :)

On MK1 I figured out subs freeze on my own as well as raidens electricity.


I remember at the arcades everyone's eyes hit the controls as soon as it said Finish Him lol, people even took notepad's with them haha.
Trying to figure out what to do next after sub's deep freeze or reptile's invisibility was fun.

I found out Shang's Kintaro fatality back then on some guy, the crowd went mad lol
mk3 on snes was the 1st mk i played so cyrax's stage fat was mine (RN,BLK,RN) i tried it ONLY because my cousin knew subs body breaker fat n wouldnt tell me so i kept hiting L,R,L,R one good time and it was on the tower stage... best day of my life lol

mk1 liu kangs 360 fat

and MKT for the N64 i did Shao Khans Hammer fat...
everything else i cheated lol
absoluetly none haha, my brother told me a couple things but most of what i learned was from a google search haha. i still dont even know all the fatalities or babalities or friendships, and i have no idea about the pit fatalities haha. dont really care anyways to me its a waste of time to do a fatality