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Why is Serbia not eligible to compete in ESL Path to Pro?!


"I still got it...but not much of it"
So i tried to sign up for the Path to Pro tournament today and to my surprise Serbia is no longer on the list of allowed countries. I used to compete in the MKXL ESL tournaments without a problem, so i don't understand why this change was made?
At the beginning of MKXL Ps4 players were not able to compete in ESL, and for this reason only i bought an XB1, only for them to later change to Ps4 so that XB1 owners can no longer compete.
I understand that Serbia is not a part of the European Union but it is still in the territory of Europe.
Is it possible for someone to tag an official ESL representative who could maybe answer my question?
I sincerely hope that this is just temporary and that they will allow Serbia to compete again, especially because a local NRS scene is pretty much nonexistent here.