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Question Why Don't People Use Uppercuts?

I just recently found out Ermac can continue a combo after an uppercut, and it's relatively easy. I use B1, 1, DB1, Dash, D2, BF1 because the other ones seemed way too risky so I tried some stuff in Practice, and it's a very easy, quick 33% combo. Uppercuts add so much damage to shorter combos (And longer ones, but usually longer combos aren't very uppercut-compatible), so why doesn't anyone use them?

I don't think many other fighters (If any, I don't really use a wide range of characters) can chain uppercuts, but when it's so easy with Ermac why doesn't anyone do it?

As a side question (This is my first post here so I don't want to start two new threads in the same section), as I'm trying to really get into MK and learn Ermac, I see that several combos involve DB1, DB4. This is incredibly difficult for me to perform, and very inconsistent. I can perform combos like this: 2, 2, DB1, JK, DB4, BF1 relatively easy, because of the kick, but when I have a combo like this: 2, 2, DB1, DB4 (etc...) I get it maybe one out of eight times... if I'm lucky. Is there a timing tip? Usually I'm too late, but I can't really do it earlier because there's a cool down (I know there's a more... MK word for it, but I can't think of it right now) after DB1. I've seen it done, it's just hard as hell and I'm wondering if there are any tips for it.

Thanks for reading! I do have a habit of droning on, so if it's an issue just let me know and I'll try to simplify my question(s) haha.


『T R I G G E R E D』
2,2 doesn't link into combo anymore after one of the patches. Are you playing an unpatched version? uppercuts decrease the damage in a lot of ermacs combos also.
As for your problem using jk, teleport combos try this: when you jump in the air press 4 then just do DB after to get negative edge. after you get the teleport down you can dash and then end in 2, or 1,2 or 2,2 bf1 for damage around high 30's lower 40's


Remember, representing ermac is illmatic.
alot of good ermacs combo off of uppercut, i know i do. but truth be told it should only be used on player who likes to cross jump ermac, and most players wont do this on him because they understand the risk it carries.
2,2 doesn't link into combo anymore after one of the patches. Are you playing an unpatched version? uppercuts decrease the damage in a lot of ermacs combos also.
As for your problem using jk, teleport combos try this: when you jump in the air press 4 then just do DB after to get negative edge. after you get the teleport down you can dash and then end in 2, or 1,2 or 2,2 bf1 for damage around high 30's lower 40's
Nah, I was just giving examples and 2, 2 is relatively quick to think of :D
They do? Huh, I never noticed. Guess I never payed attention haha, I just noticed the difference between the uppercut combo I mentioned above and non-uppercut combos of the same length and didn't question it haha.
Wow, I just tried that and it does help quite a bit. I'll have to play around in practice a little bit before I'm good at it, but it helps a lot.


alot of good ermacs combo off of uppercut, i know i do. but truth be told it should only be used on player who likes to cross jump ermac, and most players wont do this on him because they understand the risk it carries.
Sorry, not familiar with the term 'cross jump,' can you explain?


『T R I G G E R E D』
Nah, I was just giving examples and 2, 2 is relatively quick to think of :D
They do? Huh, I never noticed. Guess I never payed attention haha, I just noticed the difference between the uppercut combo I mentioned above and non-uppercut combos of the same length and didn't question it haha.
Wow, I just tried that and it does help quite a bit. I'll have to play around in practice a little bit before I'm good at it, but it helps a lot.

I can give you an example:
Combo 1: Jip, 3,1 DB1, Jk, Tele, Dash, 2,2 BF1 is 41%
Combo 2: Jip 3,1 DB1, dash Uppercut, BF1 is 35%
Combo 3: Jip 3,1 DB1, dash Uppercut, half dash 1,2 BF1 is 38%
Combo 4: Jip 3,1 DB1 JK, Tele, JK, tele, D1 BF1 is 43%
Shit, ninja'd by Toki haha.

I can give you an example:
Combo 1: Jip, 3,1 DB1, Jk, Tele, Dash, 2,2 BF1 is 41%
Combo 2: Jip 3,1 DB1, dash Uppercut, BF1 is 35%
Combo 3: Jip 3,1 DB1, dash Uppercut, half dash 1,2 BF1 is 38%
Combo 4: Jip 3,1 DB1 JK, Tele, JK, tele, D1 BF1 is 43%
I'll have to try those, thanks! You know all those by heart? :confused:
I usually have to physically start a combo to remember the rest haha, that's why I just defaulted to 2, 2, easy to remember :D


Remember, representing ermac is illmatic.
Oh, why is it so risky without that?
(Myself being one of the people who doesn't understand the risk it carries, apparently. Rofl)
because you could get stung with an uppercut combo! my favorite is uppercut lift, jk tele f4. gives me potential for another combo and does 35%...
who wants to be willingly put in that situation?


A lot of characters can combo off of a uppercut hit at the right height, even Kano and Sheeva.

If memory serves me well, jip, B21 lift, dash, uppercut, forcepush does over 40% damage with Ermac, and it's super easy to do.


『T R I G G E R E D』
Shit, ninja'd by Toki haha.

I'll have to try those, thanks! You know all those by heart? :confused:
I usually have to physically start a combo to remember the rest haha, that's why I just defaulted to 2, 2, easy to remember :D
Yeah lol i just had to do them to remember the Damage


I miss you
st.tches i suggest you learn the basic ermac combos. you can get way more from b11.

If you have trouble with lift, then jk-telepunch, you can do this: put your thumbs on 3 and down, then at the same time roll them to back and 4. it works everytime.
because you could get stung with an uppercut combo! my favorite is uppercut lift, jk tele f4. gives me potential for another combo and does 35%...
who wants to be willingly put in that situation?
Ohhhh, cross jumping is what causes the risk, I thought you meant using an uppercut in a combo was risky.

A lot of characters can combo off of a uppercut hit at the right height, even Kano and Sheeva.

If memory serves me well, jip, B21 lift, dash, uppercut, forcepush does over 40% damage with Ermac, and it's super easy to do.
Wow, 7% more than my combo, better learn that one haha.

Yeah lol i just had to do them to remember the Damage
I am impressed, sir.
Also, Toki Wartooth is that guy from Metalocalypse right? Solid show :D

st.tches i suggest you learn the basic ermac combos. you can get way more from b11.

If you have trouble with lift, then jk-telepunch, you can do this: put your thumbs on 3 and down, then at the same time roll them to back and 4. it works everytime.
I thought I had most of the basics down haha, I've been trying to come up with combos but I guess B1, 1 hasn't really come up. Not sure why, although most of the combos elsewhere on the internets are also very easily improved by things like this, so I don't know why I'm surprised I haven't heard this mentioned before.
Thanks for the telepunch advice, I'll try it out :D


I miss you
st.tches the problem with just using b11 is that you are gonna get punished if your opponent blocks. Best thing is to just go for b114, which is safe on block and you will have plenty of time to cancel it into a lift.

for example, you can do jip, b114 - lift - jktele - 12 push for 45% damage, or replacing 12 push with f4 for getting a reset and some pressure.

it's also possible to do jip b114 lift - jktele - 22 push for 48% or jip b114 lift jktele, jktele, d1 push for 50%, but the timing is more strict

Ermac is really a hardhitter, unless you think you need the extra damage, save your meter for breaker.
st.tches the problem with just using b11 is that you are gonna get punished if your opponent blocks. Best thing is to just go for b114, which is safe on block and you will have plenty of time to cancel it into a lift.

for example, you can do jip, b114 - lift - jktele - 12 push for 45% damage, or replacing 12 push with f4 for getting a reset and some pressure.

it's also possible to do jip b114 lift - jktele - 22 push for 48% or jip b114 lift jktele, jktele, d1 push for 50%, but the timing is more strict

Ermac is really a hardhitter, unless you think you need the extra damage, save your meter for breaker.
That's a good idea, when I'm in Practice I tend not to think about being punished so I generally am unprepared, gotta start changing that lol.

Yeah, I noticed you tend to not *need* EX moves as much in Ermac's combos for them to be effective, but I have noticed some major damage increases in certain combos. Is it just me or is EX DB2 always a waste of a bar? In my opinion there is such a small difference in damage between DB2 and EX DB2 that it's not worth a bar, unless I'm doing something wrong or ineffectively.

God damn, ninja'd again haha.

(I just copied the quote text from the reply box into here)

Whenever I see Ermacs in tournies use uppercut combos they drop them at least half the time. It's pretty funny.
I can't imagine dropping an uppercut combo in a tournament, it would be so embarrassing lol. I rarely drop them, but I guess tournies are much different than casual matches.


I miss you
That's a good idea, when I'm in Practice I tend not to think about being punished so I generally am unprepared, gotta start changing that lol.

Yeah, I noticed you tend to not *need* EX moves as much in Ermac's combos for them to be effective, but I have noticed some major damage increases in certain combos. Is it just me or is EX DB2 always a waste of a bar? In my opinion there is such a small difference in damage between DB2 and EX DB2 that it's not worth a bar, unless I'm doing something wrong or ineffectively.
EX db2 can't be neutral ducked, which might steal you a round if your opponent isn't prepared. Also, because it consists of two hits, it's great if you want to make your last chip to someone, because it deals 4% on block
EX db2 can't be neutral ducked, which might steal you a round if your opponent isn't prepared. Also, because it consists of two hits, it's great if you want to make your last chip to someone, because it deals 4% on block
Holy shit, never knew any of that, now I actually have a use for EX DB2 :D
don't be too happy. the real use of it will become really handful less than a 2% of your fights.

but anyway, Ermac is a great char, welcome aboard.
Well that's 2% more than I thought lol.

Thanks :D

And it just occurred to me, I do use B1, 1, it's generally what I start my combos with. For some reason I wasn't thinking about the right combo haha.

Can B2, 1 be chained into anything more than DB1, Dash, FB1 and similar combos? It's so powerful but your opponent flies so damn far sometimes (Yeah, sometimes they go far and sometimes they seem to stick fairly close, it seems arbitrary but if there's a system could someone let me know?) that it makes it impractical to chain anything other than combos similar to the aforementioned one directly after it.


I miss you
Well that's 2% more than I thought lol.

Thanks :D

And it just occurred to me, I do use B1, 1, it's generally what I start my combos with. For some reason I wasn't thinking about the right combo haha.

Can B2, 1 be chained into anything more than DB1, Dash, FB1 and similar combos? It's so powerful but your opponent flies so damn far sometimes (Yeah, sometimes they go far and sometimes they seem to stick fairly close, it seems arbitrary but if there's a system could someone let me know?) that it makes it impractical to chain anything other than combos similar to the aforementioned one directly after it.
you can try jip, b2b1 lift jk tele 22 push for 46%, although b2 is extremely unsafe on block, so the best thing do with it is to go for the unblockable mix-up. or use it to dash backwards since it's faster than walking or dash, as explained in the "frog hopping" thread.
you can try jip, b2b1 lift jk tele 22 push for 46%, although b2 is extremely unsafe on block, so the best thing do with it is to go for the unblockable mix-up. or use it to dash backwards since it's faster than walking or dash, as explained in the "frog hopping" thread.
Thanks for letting me know, as I said earlier I've been using Practice a lot without a blocking opponent so I have a dangerous lack of practice with blocking scenarios lol. I'm gonna look at that thread right now, sounds really nifty (Rofl who says that any more?) :D
another term "cross-up" is basically the same but it usually involves your opponent jumping back and forth trying to catch you in a "cross-up", which usually involves a "JiP" (jump in punch) that hits mid.
Thanks, I don't have too much experience with terminology, so any help is greatly appreciated :D.