Minh Giang
aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
Just learn the game's mechanic again, and try not to play the way you was with Grundy.
This happened to me when i was playing Tekken lol.
This happened to me when i was playing Tekken lol.
zaf, that is EXACTLY my issue since you mention it. When I tried playing Catwoman again after committing 100% to Doomsday, I find myself trying to still play like Doomsday. I guess it's the muscle memory?
This is pretty much it.I was thinking about this lately. I have no main character. I prefer to be an all round player. Some people only use one character. Perhaps it's to do with how the brain copes with transitions between different play styles? Deep psychological thinking
aaaaaaahhhhhhhhNo muscle memory is more to do with other things.
This situation I present, is more based on your thought process and mindset/goals in each match.
When you play catwoman, you are still trying to play as Doomsday. That can work with some characters, but most of the time this does not work.
To be able to play Catwoman, you will need to start from scratch. Hit the lab back up, really look at all of her tools and understand what they do for Catwoman as a character within this game. Look at normals, frame data, specials etc. and try to development a mindset and a set of goals that really utilizes the maximum potential of this character's tools.
The decision making you are doing with catwoman, is most likely the same decision making you do with Doomsday.
To be able to play multiple characters, you will need to have different decision making for each one.
I actually had the exact same issue. I started with Grundy and felt like I couldn't play as anyone else. I think what it ultimately came down to is I wanted an alt that was kinda like Grundy... but no other character in the game is like Grundy. He definitely represents a relentless and in your face play style without being overly complicated and flashy though.
Someone with a command grab (if you don't hate DBF) like Bane or Shazam might be a good bet. You've just got to be willing to find joy in a different style. Nobody will have that "I lay hands on you and rag doll you" play style. When I started with Bane I had to start living for knockdowns and now I love the fast 50/50 game. I now main Bane and Grundy ended up as my alt. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor sir. And I respect your Chael P. reference.
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i completely agree with what Zaf said. i felt the same way once and then i had a open mind to the new characters i was trying out and now i have a few characters i can play pretty well. i hope you overcome this issue. good luck man.This is what I believe is happening juicepouch
Game comes out, you pick up Grundy. You mess around with the character. Check out his normals, frame data, specials etc.
So after messing with the character a little bit you start to play the game more against people now.
As you are playing people, you most likely developed a certain understanding of the game and a certain playstyle that goes hand in hand with your understanding of the game and its mechanics.
Now when you pick up another character, you learn this character's normals, frame data, specials etc.
Despite learning a new character, you are most likely stuck in the mindset of Grundy.
When situations happen and just in the general neutral game, the decisions you make are most likely still attached to how you play Grundy.
I think you are trapped in a Grundy mindset even if you pick up another character.
The best way to overcome this, is to development a new or better understanding of the game mechanics and each characters goals and main functions within those game mechanics.
i completely agree with what Zaf said. i felt the same way once and then i had a open mind to the new characters i was trying out and now i have a few characters i can play pretty well. i hope you overcome this issue. good luck man.
Bane seems like a lot of fun post patch, and especially Shazam. Whoever you choose put the time into them and you kinda have no choice but to become better, unless you completely suck which i highly doubt that. lol. good luck with it. i might be picking up Shazam too so i hope to see you in the forums.Very much appreciated. I'm starting to get a pretty decent grip on Shazam and I might try and jump into Bane in the coming weeks as well, if I can handle that much diversity