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Why are you getting the Xbox ONE?


Go to hell.
inb4 obligatory "I'm not hahaha high five jerk each other off best comment 2013 GGs no re TYM shuts down"

I don't like a lot about the Xbox ONE, and I very well may be getting a PS4, but if I do get the 21st century VHS player it will be for Halo 5. I absolutely love Halo and can't wait to see what the fifth one brings.

And I also want to yell "XBOX GO HOME YOU'RE DRUNK". Is anyone here thinking about getting it?

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I'm not hahaha high five jerk each other off best comment 2013 GGs no re TYM shuts down

Halo is ruined. Halo 5 has no story potential and gameplay already died with 343 balancing things like NRS does. And Spielberg for Halo TV? No...just no...

Besides, Halo's founding father is about to release a new orgasmic franchise and PS4 is the one getting the good stuff out of it.


xbl-OBS trustinme
Why am i getting one? Well it'll proberly be the only thing mrs trustinme will think to buy me for Christmas,in which case it'll sit untouched until I'm bored with injustice.if I pour piping hot gravy into the disc drive will it still play my cassette tapes?


Noob Saibot
I'll only get it if they start a new Gears trilogy and go back to the gameplay of the first three.

Nothing got me more hyped than playing local tourneys, 1 v 4, and the shit talking. Gears 1 will always be close to my heart. The rage that it would induce and the verbal violence was amazing.

Too bad they screwed up and put party chat in. While party chat is great, the level of salt from Gears was amazing.


That Welsh Guy
I'll buy it because I enjoy the xbox now, also Microsoft has better support, I'll just buy it because #1 friends will have it #2 Used to xbox #3 Halo franchise *and possibly some of the new exclusives*.

Finally I heard a good Xbox one joke.

"why is it called the Xbox one?"
"because they took 359 steps back" haha! ^_^
Nah both consoles have their problems and people will pick at those, Just need to shh up and accept the fact you'll buy one or the other :)


Online Punching Bag
It's called xbox one because they will assimilate you and turn you into one conciousness like the borg with all their creepy interactivity.


I live in Europe.

Oh, in case this answer seems unspecific consider this. Almost everything they showed at the reveal won't be available outside of the US.


Wow.. How many idiots does it take to tell the same joke? rofl

Waiting for at least 3 months, will purchase next gen console based on features and online service. Xbox 360 is undeniably the better system in the those aspects but with PS4 and X1 being basically the same system, itll come down to the nitty gritty on which one has something the other doesnt.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Ive spoken my peace on this, all I will say now is sorry I don't want the DRM Box with it spy camera features