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Who's good on PSN?


So far I haven't found a good player in the public matches... Which leads me to this, who are the decent players on PSN?
Everyone on my friends list. Check the PSN Tag thread and start adding people. Start with CUKO28, AriaDelano, Kensidj, dvdcsn, Wario7414, Yungnicca, DCIguy01, david_GEM, rdz21, Vassago187, Yamagishi, fusion117,, Real_Talk718, john2kx, ectonaut, Seriouz-Bizniz, sushi07, Soyelmejor, AvsFan04, MARIN007, jesse89202, etc. Some of those guys might not play too much MK2 any more, I specifically left off a couple of friends that fall under that category and a bunch more who I still haven't really gotten the chance to play (so don't be offended if you don't see your name, hehe!).

You can add me, too, but I'm nothing special. ID - MackerfieldLives


y is crazyslasher here? a week from this site and i come back to this guy. i'll play u mud im home all the time my gf is at werk and im playn mk2.. wonderful economy.


*high5* ever notice how mud flipped backwards is bum? :D as Blue Print says in Soul Position "Fuck a job, for real."

What's your psn ID?


i would say add me but i have too many friends as it is. Send me an invite out of the blue, you never know. lol.

Mackerfields pretty much listed the best. If you play dvd kensi and fusion enough you'll go into a coma.