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Who were the Top 5 best MK9 Players?


Dojo Trainee
On a side note, quality of tournaments wins > quantity of tournaments wins. Nobody calls Tottenham a better team for winning the Carling Cup more times than Chelsea has won the Champions League. And nobody calls Holland a better team than Spain for reaching the World Cup final more times than Spain have won it.

Smarrgasm will probably be the only person who gets that analogy but oh well, I don't know shit about the NFL. #SawkerAnalogies
Actually there are many who call Holland a better team than Spain for reaching the World Cup final more times than Spain have won it. Holland was in three WC finals and they lost all three. Spain was in only 1 and they won it. Now, is just an opinion on which team is better in overall football history, as is just an opinion on who is the best MK player. (though I think its such a bad comparison (football and MK lol))

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
Shouldn't we be going by overall tournament resumes in top 8 and top 3 placings? And of course overall wins? What else can we go by? If you do that then...

Pig or DJT

And i'm completely being as unbiased as possible for this. IF you look at the overall MK9 resumes, it would be hard to argue this list.

Groove Heaven


I know Dizzy didn't win a ton of shit but his fundamentals and knowledge of the game always impressed me a lot.


Cage ban wagon?
Shouldn't we be going by overall tournament resumes in top 8 and top 3 placings? And of course overall wins? What else can we go by? If you do that then...

Pig or DJT

And i'm completely being as unbiased as possible for this. IF you look at the overall MK9 resumes, it would be hard to argue this list.
If you wanna go by tourney results use the MKI rankings that crimson dude made

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
The question is who were the best, meaning in the entire life span of the game. Not who is the best right now... If that's the case I stand by my list 100 percent.


This list is the only correct list


Hehe, your list is same as mine.

I was having doubts between Pig & Detroit (both had good results in majors and MLGs), but in the end I went with Pig 'cause he placed 3rd at Evo vs Detroit's 7th. I know Detroit also has two 9th place finishes, but a bronze medal is a bronze medal...

Another one on my mind was Maxter because he had numerous high placings at majors, but since he never broke into Evo Top8 I decided to choose between Pig and Detroit for the final spot.