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Who thinks Tag is worthwhile?


There it is...
I'm just wondering, if they actually made tag not broken as shit, and it wasn't just touch of death from anything and frame traps and high low mixups everywhere would you like it in MK10

I think if they could do it well it could be hype. I have the most fun matches with my friends on tag, with the comeback factor and swag combos etc just think if they did it right it could go big.

Would also sorta open up more opportunities are tournaments with players that specialise in tag team.

If not tag what side thing would you like? The test your luck on MK9 was fucking ass, i was thinking like some kind of special rules matches, like you randomly change character the entire match, or maybe some of the stuff you get in the challenge tower like, momentum matches.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
I liked tag when I was playing with friends so I can play more characters... however if tag was played "seriously" .... lol infinites everywhere no thank you.

Also tournaments were hard for it because you needed 4 port ps3s...which don't really exist anymore.


There it is...
I liked tag when I was playing with friends so I can play more characters... however if tag was played "seriously" .... lol infinites everywhere no thank you.

Also tournaments were hard for it because you needed 4 port ps3s...which don't really exist anymore.

I meant like one person playing both characters.


Wanna order chinese later?
I loved tag for playing with friends. Also co-op online was badass. I would love to see it come back for this reason alone.
Tag has infinites everywhere, and where there are not infinites, you'll still find incredibly easy 1-bar combos that do 50 % for pretty much EVERYONE.

Its fun for casual play, of course, but tag in tournaments don't make sense.

I hope they include it in MK 10, but I don't expect it to be balanced anymore than it is in MK9. It wouldn't be worth all the effort it would take to ensure no two characters have an infinite in tag. I'd rather they just include it as a fun extra like it is now.

Tag in Injustice would have also been awesome...
Tag is the reason I kept playing MK9 online. If there was no tag I probably would have not played the game for very long because I typically don't put up with shit ass laggy games.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Scorpion + Tag = S tier character
Vortex mixups are safe
Overhead (B2) is safe
F4 into Tag Assist is safe.


Living in poverty cave
Also tournaments were hard for it because you needed 4 port ps3s...which don't really exist anymore.

That's where the USB 4 slot ports comes in 8)

If they can add tag as an extra that will be great. Throwing out assist and playing the endurance match are fun


That Welsh Guy
I never really played Tag, but it's a brilliant Fighting game mode, I don't see why there's any reason not to have it in MK10.


it just depends on balance dude. youll get a bunch of really retarded responses like HUR NO TAG IS BROKNZ, but OBVIOUSLY you are saying if they could make it balanced would it be worth it? of course it would be worth it. who the fuck wouldn't want to play a balanced tag mortal kombat tournament? tag does not need to be mandatory. what if we could finally run singles along with doubles at MK events? it would be awesome, that's what if. but trusting NRS to balance a tag mode... i think it is beyond them.


Eternal Champion of Justice
I dislike tag but not for the reasons stated above. higher damage, mixup potential, and safety are to be expected in a tag style game your using the power of 2 characters. The thing I dont like is the nonexistent recovery on tagging and the lack of recoverable life. As it stands now theres no reason to tag outside of landing damage.


There it is...
Again.. i didn't actually mean 4 people playing at once on a tourney i meant 2 guys playing two characters each. Although 2v2 would be cool for shiggles.


I Got Guiled
How about a "groove" system like CvS2 where you can choose to use the gamplay mechanics of either MK9, Injustice or UMK3.


>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
I love tag mode, it's super fun but they would have to do serious testing on it for it to be viable alongside the regular 1v1. There is a lot of broken stuff in tag mode but I think it's got a lot of potential.


Tag is awesome man. Completely different way of looking at fighting games. I think they should make a game dedicated and balanced for tag whether thats mk or not.