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Who is your alternate?

IM SO EXCITED ABOUT RAIN! I just now saw the gameplay preview and he looks freaking awesome! Finally a male ninja for my team! I'm gonna spend hours on that guy.
Now my alternates are set. Cyber Sub-Zero, Jade and Sektor.

I will probably pick up Rain when I get the DLC pack because he's cool looking and probs homo.

Dark Eve

Outworld Ninja
I'm a hardcore Kitana player, but when I'm in the mood for a secondary I prefer Mileena or Skarlet.


Nightwolf. I like that he's very versatile, only reason why he isn't number one on my tier list is that he has no teleport and not too much high/low mix up. I really like how he can play though, zoning, counter, and rushdown all in one. Shoulder is great for closing distance on a turtle and you can cancel most his strings with a shoulder to keep them in check in case they want to interrupt ;)


Local player only
I only use Kitana and Reptile. I play Reptile alot but for some odd reason, Kitana always comes back to me. Even when I want to change my main, Kitana just has the best of me.