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Who is the most balanced character in this game?


>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
I think Deathstroke is a good choice for this, solid, has a little of everything and can hang with the best of them.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
The only times Raven was updated:

1) her d3 did too much damage compared to the other cast members (was reduced to the standard amount)
2) universal d2 buff
3) universal teleports-are-now-invincible-on-wake-up buff

However, I'll say she's not actually that balanced. Probably an equal amount of advantage, even and disadvantage MUs with a couple of extreme advantage/disadvantage ones. She is balanced in the sense that her MUs probably average out to even, but that's about it. Her bad MUs are usually against top-tier characters and her better MUs are usually against the low-tier so she doesn't stand out as being particularly broken.

She avoided getting buffed/nerfed because her move-set worked - almost no duff moves, no broken (as in not working) stuff, and initially no massive deficiencies in character design. It's just that as the game went on and people stopped being so free to Ducky people realised what Raven can and can't do and she is such a basic/straightforward character that there's not many gimmicks to get around that.
So only one thing happened to just her, the other two were universal and therefore just so happened to affect her.

As you say her move set works, but she's never won a major because she's not overpowering or wins every matchup. She does relatively well. How is the most generically even MU chart (as you're describing it) not the matchup chart of a balanced character?

I wouldn't say she's particularly basic/straightforward, you have to be smart with how you play her and make good reads to open the opponent up since her wakeup game is shit and her moves aren't the greatest. You say she's not balanced then give several reasons as to why she is?! Lol talking about people making sense :p
There's more to zoning than full-screen keep-away. Soul Crush is am amazing anti-zoning tool even though it only covers 2/3 of the screen and can punish a lot of projectile attempts. Lift is great at countering attempts to space her out (such as with Aquaman) as it out-ranges most closer-range moves and is pretty much unpunishable outside of 1/d1 range.
Yeah I understand what zoning is and that Soul Crush is a good anti-zoning tool, but I wouldn't use that to class her as an anti-zoner...and lift only covers a small distance unless you're in trait.
Does that apply to everything else that wasn't ever patched?

Batgirl fine as she is!
MMH not overpowering!
Cyrax damage acceptable!

You usually talk a lot of sense. That was not one of those times :)
Reread the below statement before assuming I said something else please haha
If she didn't need patched there's clearly nothing overpowering about her
Key word: need

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
Harley cause our character was so fair that we didn't ask for buffs only fixes. And then we got nerfed and the only clash-able b3 , b3 combo in the game. (when the console isn't hotfixed...)

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
DD man. Has an answer to everything accept parry. Great rushdown but low damage output. Doesnt lose to anybody worse than 6-4. Has a trait that is not god tier but not garbage. Great footsie tool with
D1. Corner game....ok so his corner game is pretty broke but HE NEEDS IT! Overall if hes used right it shoudnt shock anybody to see DD in top 8 of every tournament.


Doomsday is the most balanced.

Yeah, I said it and yeah, I believe it.

Boohoo, he has two moves (one of them requires meter!) that people complain about all the time. Deal with it. You don't see him pulling off 50-60% combos, nor does he have a vortex of any kind. Some characters don't even have to give a shit about Earth Shake (outside of the corner) or MB Venom if they're good at making reads and have good reactions.


Beaten, by this mere man
i'm in the process of creating a mu chart for every character and according to it raven has 152 and DD has 153 (total mu numbers added together) meaning that these characters have an average mu of around 5 so they're very balanced (150/30=5).