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Question Who is a good secondary character for a Reptile main?


Your bad MU's are Cage, KL, Kabal and Sonya. So pick one of them or Kenshi are you're good to go. I go with Cage personally.

G4S MinotaurLord

Wielder of Toxins
To reinforce the obvious, my secondary is Kenshi, but I've also picked up a few other pocket characters for fun and/or bad matchups. The most useful out of them have been Cyrax and Skarlett. Cyrax is effective against characters who don't want to spend their meter breaking, and Skarlett's armor is useful for getting in (I find her matchup against Cyrax easier than reptiles, which is a match I don't really like). But yeah, Kenshi, man.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Kenshi is definitely not a good choice.

Kenshi and Reptile share a lot of the same trouble matchups, specifically:


The only bad matchups that Kenshi covers are really:

Mileena (Potentially bad for Rep.)

If you want to cover nearly all of Reptile's bad matchups, your best guesses are going to be:

Goes even with Sonya, but beats most of the rest (except Kabal, but I feel Rep can potentially handle him)

Beats or goes even with nearly everybody, so that one is kinda obvious.

Liu Kang
Goes at least even with all of Rep's bad matchups as far as I can figure.

Slightly less optimal choices:

Aside from Lao, can handle/beat most of Rep's bad matchups. Cyrax may be a problem. Possibly Mileena too.

Goes even or beats most of his bad matchups aside from Freddy. (And Freddy isn't very common.)

Loses to Freddy. Arguably loses to Sonya, but nearly as bad of a matchup as Reptile vs Sonya. Does real well against all of the other matchups. (And again, Freddys are rare.)

That's what I figure at least.


liu loses to freddy for sure and he loses to sonya 6-4 and possibly cage and/or lao(i think they are both even but if there is an advantage its not lius, lao feels close to a 4-6 and if cages gets on liu more than once or twice then liu is done) so hes a decent backup but freddy is bad for him for sure, probably a 3-7

kenshi is a good backup if you are good at the lao matchup and u shouldnt be backing up for kabal.... then there still is freddy.