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Who does the community want to see in a HYPE Exhibition w Sonic Fox ft3?


Pet Rock
1. Tom Brady
2. REO
3. Wonder Chef
4. Perfect Legend
5. Forever King

If Chris G is willing to showcase more of his Reptile, I'd consider subbing Forever King out for him. (If Chris is playing someone else then screw that noise, go with the original five.)


Fabulous Goofball
I also wouldn't mind seeing @Pig Of The Hut at this too. I want to see what you replaced Kenshi with or if you instead spent your time in the mountains training with Kenshi some more and saw some hidden redeeming qualities.


Positive Poster!
All matches sound hype. I'd love to see all the big names in a room on a stream though, several screens and everybody playing everybody. We could learn so much about MKX from the raw awesomeness of the footage.


Nine Inch Nails fan from Metro Detroit, Michigan

Wonder Chef

Tom Brady


Justin Wong

So hard to choose though just between 5 though. I have like 20 people I'd love to see play Sonic.


1.PL because he plays characters I wanna play so I can steal his tech
2.Brady Cuz Sub
3.Jwong for the hype
4.wafflez to watch him get bodied harder than usual
5.probably King or REO or Chef because they seem to be the next best currently


Call Me Premo - Mileena, D'Vorah, Cassie, Kitana.
I'd like to see FT5's or 10's but...

1. Perfect Legend - I know he wants that runback from ESL, Also "Sonic Fox has no fundamentals" lol.

2. Reo - He beat Fox in the 2nd ESL Pre-season, can he do it again?

3. Forever King - How many events has this man won in MKX already?

4. Tom Brady - He probably knows more about this game than anybody, and can a fox get past an Ice Clone? I wanna find out.

5. Justin Wong - Known as a legend with fundamentals of a god.

Those are my 5 picks

I think this will be hype, make it happen @Pig Of The Hut and let me know when it's goin down :) love to watch

Branden Delio

PSN: C9-Keiji
Tom Brady - Cus Sub Zero
PL - Cus Salt
Tyrant - Cus I think his Jax is on a whole nother level then most people even playing the game right now.
King - To show the character he is using really is OP
Reo - For pure skill + Mustache


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
If I could choose my top five would be....
1. R.E.O - The original Beast Of The East
2. Tom Brady - Cause corner set ups for years and "I will freeze your soul!"
3. CDJr - Cause "I still got it."
4. Perfect Legend - Cause my EVO is better than yours and "For the Shoalin!!"
Now for the 5th and final spot I could not choose between these 4 as they are all part of my favorite players and my current list already contained someone who played the same character or there is no video footage of the player playing currently so any of these would do and I would still pay $50 just to watch the stream and they are DJT, MIT, Maxter, and Tyrant.