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Who do you main?


"Cheap Grubber"
Who do you guys n' girls main? And why?
List a few if you main a few.

Sorry if this topic has already been posted, I had a look but couldn't find it.


"Cheap Grubber"

Because I know every time I use him against a TYM member they will bust a nut all over their controller and start yelling "IT SHOULD'VE BEEN MMH! OR POISON IVY!" while I do 111 naked spear pressure.
Haha, good answer. But yes, MMH or Ivy should've been DLC over him!! :)



Killer Frost (surprise!!)

I like characters who use abilities based on fire or ice. She kinda reminds me of Shiva from the Final Fantasy games (my favorite JRPG series til FF10) and mages are often my favorite class in RPGs.
She looks awesome in this game and her winpose is godlike (Quan Chi was one of my mains in MK9). Still have a lot to learn, but I am doing pretty well with her online so far.

Secondary characters:


Love the rushdown, she has way better anti air tools than KF (J2 is godlike) and adds some good variety with her playstyle. Also dat Arkham Catwoman skin <3.
When I face some good air control characters, then I often have more success with picking her instead of Killer Frost.

Harley Quinn

Amazing zoning tools and fun to play. I often pick her against turtle heavy characters/players. Dem cupcakes. :D


Since the Dark Knight Rises, he is easily one of my favorite villains now. And I like his playstyle, never played a grappler before but it's really fun to play him. Even though he has some problems against heavy zoners, sometimes I destroy people with him when my KF fails.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam

I'm a sucker for GL storylines. As much as I also like Hal, in this game he kinda sucks. Not in gameplay, hes fine there. Though, his gameplay is boring to me. He uses no constructs in his fighting. The odd turbine, the odd bat but... Sinestro man. He has beautiful constructs.

The B213 is AMAZING.
The B3
The F2D13

Its all just so gorgeous. Plus, I like zoners.

My secondary has to be Aquaman. Not because I like him, but because I'm good with him. I seem to get more wins with him, than Sinestro, but then again, Aquaman is in general a better balanced character.


I main Deathstroke because I enjoy zoning and he's one of the best at it while not hindered up close when he's on defense.

I main Bane because I'm a masochist and enjoy the pain of being the only person with no options full screen. ;_;


"Heaven Will Fall!"
Main: Doomsday - I have always liked the character and Atrocitus didn't make the roster

Secondary: Nightwing/Green Arrow- I'm still trying to decide which I like more but it will be one of the 2 for sure


Love his play style, range on his normals, and dat trait is ridiculous.

Easy combos for high damage, favorite dc hero, and dat trait is ridiculous.
Would probably be my #1 if his d1 had more range

Nothing is more satisfying than hitting an airborn opponent with a jumping arrow, but his good combos are hard to pull with online input delay.


Noob Saibot
Main 1- Sinestro


Because if you practice with him enough I think he has the best zoning in the game that fits my play style plus his up close game was really under estimated until Pig and others started opening him up. He has good meter less damage combos (34%) off of B3 and is the yellow corp.

Main 2- Aquaman


His anti-air D2 is amazing, his combos are easy and damaging. Great range, decent zoning/counter zoning. And his JIP2 has wicked range and leads to full combo. Trait is probably the best in the game secondary to it being a combo breaker all within itself.


Get over here!
I main Lex Luthor and I don't really know why. There's something about him I really like and ever since I messed with him on the demo I've been hooked.
It is probably his bald head. Just kidding. I really thing Lex is fun too. I have no idea why either. He isn't my style at all... but I like him...:16Bit


Plus on block.
-I'm a sucker for the big, slow, high damage character, and the other two didn't fit my style as much.
-He also reminds me of Balrog(Venom is like dashing straight, and upward venom is like Buffalo headbutt kind of, fast d1 and d3 sweep, good air to air attacks, high damage and range, armored EX moves).

-Though i'm not a fan of the TT comics, I loved the show and Cyborg in it, and really all of Cyborgs DCAU appearances. I want to start reading some non-TT comics with him in it. too
-On a gameplay level, I like spacing and space controlling, and Cyborg's good at it, he's a beast at all ranges but he's a tad hard to use at first. I also like all of his moves.
-They made him really bad ass in this game as well, his quotes, his movement/animations, his design, his opening(he teleports in from a crumbling city like it's nothing and with a smile on his face), his winning animation, errthang.

Black Adam:
-I just fucking love the character, and they did him perfectly in this game.

-I like his character as well, and I like the idea of a power zoner, someone who can zone well and is big, slow, and damaging up close.


I've been maining Lex as I like the character, but he doesn't seem to be really gelling with me so am currently looking at new character horizons.


Best Doomsday in the world
Adam. Because yolo footdive swag. Picking up Shazam as a secondary because wizards and shit. I also am afraid of the nerf hammer hitting Adam due to noobs not knowing how to high block.