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Who do you guys wanna see as premier skins?

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
The premier skins are very cool to me. Complete reskin of the character with new dialogue and clash quotes. So far only 3 have been announced. Zoom(The Flash), Power Girl(Supergirl), and John Stewart(Green Lantern, presumably Hal Jordan).

This opens up the door for characters who otherwise wouldn't have a chance to make it in. I want the Crime Syndicate. Anyone who has been reading Justice League in the few recent years knows who they are but if you don't follow the comics, they are the evil Earth 3 duplicates of the Justice League, except they're the Crime Syndicate. Since most of the Syndicate members are duplicates of their JL counter parts, new voice actors wouldn't be needed for all of them, just some new dialogue. But anyways I'd pay money for:
Superman- Ultraman
Wonder Woman- Superwoman
Batman- Owlman
Aquaman- Sea King
Green Lantern- Power Ring
Cyborg(if he's in)- Grid
The Flash- Johnny Quick

There are more Syndicate members but those are the only ones with a League counter part that stand a chance.

So what premier skins do you guys wanna see?


Batman: Azrael
Superman: Bizzaro
Aquaman: Black Manta
Bane: Killer Croc
Captain Cold: Mr. Freeze
Robin: Ra's Al Ghul
Green Arrow: Arsenal/Speedy/Red Arrow

I really hope they do a LOT of premier skins. There are so many possibilities, and it's like getting more characters in a way -- it's just that their movesets are clones.


The Dark Knight Rises Bane. I do not care if he has Tom Hardys voice lines, I just need that damn skin in Injustice 2. I wanted it so bad for INJ1.
This reminds me, you can pretty much guarantee the fact that this game will have movies skins. Justice League movie skins for Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg. Possibly Suicide Squad skins for Harley Quinn and Deadshot.

TV skins are possible, too. TV Green Arrow, Supergirl, Flash, Firestorm (who is rumored), Captain Cold, etc.

Thinking about this makes me really want a Jason Momoa Aquaman skin, I really don't care for his default look in this game to be honest.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
I don't know what y'all mean but I'll take

Roland Daggett - Don't care who.
Clayface (Matt Hagan) - Atrocitus
Killer Croc - ???
Livewire - sombody???

And finally...

The Clock King. - The Flash.

For sure I want to play as the Clock King and Clay Face. Especially The Clock King.


Light Bringer
Damian Wayne = league of shadows costume. Something like this

Batman = Azrael or Zur En Arrh.
Blue Beetle = Ted Kord (might not fit but fuck it.)

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Owlman has the capabilities of Batman but no moral constraints, and he's not Bruce Wayne, but Thomas Wayne Jr. In earth 3, Thomas and Alfred killed the Waynes, including Bruce, twisted as fuck lol. And as Owlman he's the real backbone of the Syndicate.