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Who all got a Xbox and going in on KI


Last Bastion of Arcades
I picked one up. Playing Orchid/Glacius badly. Although I do think I'll be giving Fulgore a shot eventually.

GT- Dookieagain


Fuck you; fight me.
Xbox One is purchased, with the new stick on the way. Any and all are welcome to send an invite. Orchid main.


A New Angel Is Advent

mutton basher
Just got it. I hate using pad, and this is my first xbox system. Also I am bad at making my own stuff up (used to referring to combo lists to learn games). Once the frustration dies down....I'll still be free. How far can fundamentals only take me? Anyone feel free to add AngelsAdvent for games

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
So has the xbox pad just crushed anyone else's thumb? After two days i had to take a break because mine was flat raw.

I'm adding you guys cuz why not.