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Who’s default skins do you think is their best outfit?


Going with Baraka since it's fresh and he looks sick but it still resembles his classic look as well. It's a perfect example of updating a classic look into a new game.


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agreed .... due this SJW armageddon political imposition new order social plan to destroy humankind, hehe, we have this happening now in MK series, a franchise that used to be rebel and going against the hypocrite society system, trying to be shocking and creative, hehe .... now bending over to the masters of universe from capitalism, hehe

the old saying that "sex sells" is not applicable anymore .... censorship and limitation sells, according the new worldwide business goal meta objective, haha :p

too bad, too bad .... :DOGE
I don't know what politics have to do with characters looking like shit and I don't want to know it.
I just know what makes sense, really. These outfits do not.
Not saying Sonya's mk9 outfit made sense either, mind. I do prefer her looking like actual military for story purposes, but I'm pretty sure a lot of people - men and women alike - would love to see her in a schoolgirl outfit or leather straps all the same, depending on preferences.
Sex does sell and I don't see an issue with fetish outfits in a game where one character eats another's brains.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
I don't know what politics have to do with characters looking like shit and I don't want to know it.
I just know what makes sense, really. These outfits do not.
Not saying Sonya's mk9 outfit made sense either, mind. I do prefer her looking like actual military for story purposes, but I'm pretty sure a lot of people - men and women alike - would love to see her in a schoolgirl outfit or leather straps all the same, depending on preferences.
Sex does sell and I don't see an issue with fetish outfits in a game where one character eats another's brains.
great answer, dude ! yep, is the old paradox of humanity, where T&A are considered way more dangerous, subversive and offensive than murder, gore and violence, hehe .... the eternal hypocritical refrein of mankind, lol .... aren't we all tired of this already ? hehe :p

anyway, agreed with your point of view, specially about the Sonya's one ;)


I think all the revenant default skins look amazing. Kang's fire god is a close second, though. The only other default I like is Noob.

Really not a fan of: