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Which players at tournament Reek and Stink? A call to Arms on the war against BO

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™

like the type that go to anime cons and stuff (this overlaps a LOT with anime fighter players)

I have been to video game tournaments, card game tournaments, board game conventions, all of the nerdiest shit in the world, but NOTHING HAS EVER SMELLED AS BAD AS PEOPLE AT ANIME CONVENTIONS.


Literally, worst smell I have ever smelled in my entire life was at Anime Expo a few years ago. There were like eight nasty ass guys not wearing shirts in one hotel room. That was the only time in my entire life that I have literally gagged from a smell.

DJ L Toro

We should make a donation and give people soap, shampoo, and deodorant for people who need it.
no donation, until the problem is addressed $5 should be added to all tournament entry fees that goes to getting every competitor a small bar of soap, antiperspirant, toothbrush and toothpaste.
I've always wondered this as an adult, and it doesn't just go for smell. Do trashy people know they are trashy? Do ghetto people know just how ghetto they are? Do stupid people really think they are smart?

But in all seriousness, how can you not know that you stink? I'm the first person that can start smelling myself if I start stinking at the end of the day, and then I handle it if I plan on being around people that late in the day. But yeah I know what you guys are talking about. I work with kids at gymnastics, and DAMN do some kids STINK. I don't know how parents can stand it. Funny thing about kids though, they aren't afraid to tell each other that they smell nasty.

Maybe should take some pointers from kids and not be so "nice" about stinky people.


Get over here!
At the next tournament we need to step up and tell the people who smell that they smell.

You would think that the people would realize that they smell and wouldn't have to be told by someone else but CLEARLY this is not the case as has been proven by every tournament I have ever attended ^_^

Its time to start putting the stench ridden tourney players on blast and maybe our future events will smell fresh and clean and not like a gym mat.


If someone told me I stunk, I would seriously be mortified.

I think doing a blow up would be a good thing, because you can be sure they will not stink at the next tournie.



End Of Humanity
Worst thing is when you talk to someone and he have bad mouth smell ^^ I remember one guy in school smelled from mouth like he was eating shit lol rly


TYM White Knight
Just FYI, Powdered Deodorants are awful. Get the actual rub on sticks (not the like gell shit, the bar kind) that stuff actually keeps you from sweating and smells nice.

For tournaments I can only imagine those travel size deodorant sticks would do wonders tho.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
I used to go to tournaments for a tabletop game back in the day where there was a guy who was infamous for actually smelling bad to throw off the opponent.
lmao. Dat "Playing to win" >;D

i wonder if Reo will start doing that....xD

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
40 hours round trip in a car with this lad, and I didn't smell a damn thing other than the agony of defeat in which we shared. Stupid ass rumor that needs to be laid to rest. Chef's the god damn man.
at least the person who beat you wasn't in the back seat talking about how he was going to main kabal

also way more than 40 hours


Modest and humble genitalia destroyer
Yeah... there were events were some people were clearly stinking... it was godawful.

In fact, if I notice you smell I will do everything in my power to avoid you to dodge the awkwardness of me having to tell you that you stink. If I know you, I'll slide a word kindly. If you smell and I don't know you however I will dodge you like you have the plague. And let's not get started on breath.... that is another problem for some folks here.

Also for god's sake learn how to smell good. A soap won't kill you, in fact it makes you smoother and prettier! Also, Body spray != shower. I got nothing against body spray, but they smell like shit.