LOL Thats exactly what I was saying earlier and not to mention that lately most of the multi-plat games have been running sub-par compared to the PS4 counterpart and a lot of the developers have been saying how much more developer friendly the PS4 has been so far.I gotta LOL at the amount of people saying that the game will probably run better on the xbox over playstation. Yall know that the only reason that it was even an issue this current gen was because they chose the easier system to program for, right? When games are developed on the playstation first and then ported to xbox there isn't an issue. In the case of xbox one and playstation 4 they are using a lot of the same/close hardware(although ps4 is more powerful). I'm gonna assume that it will probably be developed on either pc or ps4 and then ported down to the other platforms.
you got to remember that not everyone has gotten a next ten though i would love to see it on xb1 ill probably have to get it on 360 for the time beingI dont think the tourney standard will be on the old gens most likely xboxone or ps4.