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What's your fighting game detox?

Confession time , i quit morrowind pretty much right away after i repeatedly died on the cave rats in the tutorial lol ,, there is always some hidden nook or cranny in a lot of the bigger buildings which requires a jetpack and also a unique item or two , and then just makes getting places without fast travel a lot less zig zaggy
Ah. Yeah, the classic using a chance to hit calculation in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is something I was never keen on either. I found that frustrating.

It does sound like you're using jetpacks like Levitation.

Basically, you could use it to fly high into the sky and simply navigate the map with ease, go over mountains, avoid enemies, and get to secret items easily.


Ah. Yeah, the classic using a chance to hit calculation in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is something I was never keen on either. I found that frustrating.

It does sound like you're using jetpacks like Levitation.

Basically, you could use it to fly high into the sky and simply navigate the map with ease, go over mountains, avoid enemies, and get to secret items easily.
scroll of icarian flight. . .

I'll never forgive Skyrim for getting rid of true custom spells. Oblivion had some jank spell creation combos and enchantments, but nothing beats bouncing from one end of the map to another or blazing across the ashlands at 10x speed.

Morrowind's hit chance thing is only frustrating because it isn't explained naturally I think. Ime if you are a melee build and stick to your primary weapon type and manage your fatigue then the hit chance isn't bad
scroll of icarian flight. . .
I meant Levitate proper, mind you, not this Scroll. Said Scroll is still crazy fun.

Morrowind's hit chance thing is only frustrating because it isn't explained naturally I think. Ime if you are a melee build and stick to your primary weapon type and manage your fatigue then the hit chance isn't bad
For me I've never been a fan of classic "chance to hit" mechanics, regardless of game or genre, unless said game is turn-based. It's a D&D table top mechanic that, in real time games, typically does not work. If my weapon visually hits the opponent, I want it to hit and not whiff.

For turn based RPG or strategy (looking at you XCOM), I have no issue with it.


on the topic of the thread. I'm currently pretty burnt out on fighting games and am back to playing Yu-Gi-Oh TCG.

Much easier to play after a long day and locals are a more chill experience. Swiss tournament format is pretty nice for a weekly thing. Always getting games in and talking to people. I also like that through reading comprehension and intuition you can make up for knowledge checks. Time-wizard formats also keep you from ever having to drop the game due to its current state. Like imagine being in the middle of a completely broken patch cycle for MK1 but there are still people grinding a patched version of MK9. That's Yu-Gi-Oh Advanced format -> Edison/Goat.