"Don't fear your death..."
"Athena's ragdoll!"
"Foolish girl!"
"You shall have it!"
"You dare? I'm a god!"
"Why are we fighting?" "You started it..."
"Wrong move." "I never move wrong."
"I will end you..." "No escaping fate!"
"Arrow man no hurt Grundy!" "Arrow man yes, hurt."
"Grow a real mustache."
"Pray for mercy." "Why? You gonna sing?"
"Why prolong your suffering?" "I enjoy spending time with you!"
"Making a fool of yourself"
"This won't end well for you."
"You don't scare me." "I haven't tried yet."
"I'm not afraid of anything." "Then you are a fool."
"You'll have to kill me." "Tempting."
"You couldn't even handle it!"
"Grundy think you look handsome!" "So does Grundy!"
"You ain't seen nothing yet!"