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What's The First Thing You're Going to Do In MKX?

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Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
Choose my faction and play the story mode. Then Practice for 4 days straight!!!!! After that, get online and mop the floor with the people who are not in my faction. Build up my faction points so my faction can win the war that week, then the next week etc. Then Invade Realms and whip my opponents with submission. Play faction battles, and make my opponents bend the knee to the brother hood of shadows, and to the Emperors!!!!!!!


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
I'll probably play through the story mode first and foremost so I can learn about all the new characters. There will be plenty of time to lab it up and everything else. I'm not one to play through/beat a game as fast as possible. I like to take my time.


I no longer main characters on any fighting games.
Training Mode followed soon by Story Mode then after I beat Story Mode it will be either Vs. Mode or Online Mode.

Magnum Magpie

Appreciate the intro and opening title, go into labs, looks at all the characters icons then back out and do story mode


Administrator and Community Engineer
The MKX demo will probably be the first experience with the game.

The Injusitce demo only had 2 modes if I recall correctly -- Versus mode, and a nerfed Ladder mode. The first thing I did was hook up a second controller, go to Versus mode, and start labbing until time in the match ran out. Over and over, haha. Some of the very first Lex meta was found this way (I think it was me and BDMao, and Pig).

Then after that, I played the nerfed ladder, was wrecked by CPU Doomsday, and proceeded to keep playing until I finally won.
The MKX demo will probably be the first experience with the game.

The Injusitce demo only had 2 modes if I recall correctly -- Versus mode, and a nerfed Ladder mode. The first thing I did was hook up a second controller, go to Versus mode, and start labbing until time in the match ran out. Over and over, haha. Some of the very first Lex meta was found this way (I think it was me and BDMao, and Pig).

Then after that, I played the nerfed ladder, was wrecked by CPU Doomsday, and proceeded to keep playing until I finally won.
I did similar things with injustice by playing versus with DJT and doing the ladder :p. Also when mkx comes out, me and DJT going to train you up so u can get an evo coin haha.


playing story mode and then lab or vice versa and when my brother comes back from Tennessee its straight talking shit while playing each other offline


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Story mode would be best...I'd hate for spoilers to come up in quotes or arcade ladders messin around. Honestly I get into quirky stuff. I'd likely go and test out Commando Kano's grappler stuff and fiddle with gimmicky styles on characters forever.

I still remember the best response to this question I heard for Injustice. It was something like "put the AI on hardest, put both Superman and Doomsday into the lab with infinite health and meter and just beat off for like an hour".

LOL. Psych yourself up a little less this time around folks.


I will hit the lab with some characters until i find the one that i like the most. Then try to create combos, setups, and create a play style with the variations and THEN i will hit up the online world. But i dont think ill be playing online for at least a week.


too weird to live, too rare to die
Story-lab-ladder one or twice- online-lab-online-lab-lab-online-online-lab-online


-Straight to practice mode with a small group of projected mains for many hours.
-Perhaps run a few arcade ladders.
-I'm going to finish Story Mode sooner rather than later as I'm pretty hype about it this time around.
-I may have to interrupt this script and consult a doctor if my erection lasts longer than four hours though.


I want Kronika to step on my face
-I may have to interrupt this script and consult a doctor if my erection lasts longer than four hours though.
I'm sure it's pretty much guaranteed to last more than 4 hours. Might as well go consult the doctor today to save time post-release.
Go to the lab, and do a Cassie mirror with the AI on hardest difficulty, and then after that's over with for about 10 mins learn frame data, and then possibly ladder or story or practice with the other characters I like.