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What would you have done? (Ethics Question)


Alright, so yesterday my sister had her phone (Galaxy S3) stolen right out of her hand at school. I guess some kid made up a story about how his sister forgot to pick him up so he needs to call someone for a ride. She felt bad and let him use it. He fidgeted with the phone for a minute pretending to call and once my sister noticed something was fishy, he took off with the phone. She chased him down but the kid got away. Obviously, this is going to change her phone-lending habits...but it really sucks that it has to be this way in this day and age. We're carrying devices that are worth $600 dollars in our pockets. You can't even let someone use a phone without the fear of having it taken from you.

My question is: Next time a stranger asks to borrow your phone, what would your answer be and why?


Man of Tomorrow
I have a super crappy phone for just this reason. Have never owned a smart phone and probably won't unless it's needed for work.


For me, it largely depends on if I can kick the shit out of this person, and whether or not I feel they actually need help or are bull shitting.

But yea, I would try to help someone. I'm a nice person, so I could see myself falling for it. I'm pretty damn quick, tho.


My blades will find your heart
Id let them borrow it if I knew them. Even if I didnt I would but I would be prepared to run his ass down.


All in on Johnny Football
I've had people ask to borrow my phone and I always say no if it's not a friend lol. Sucks for your sister, since she was just trying to help a kid out. Hope she gets it back and they find the kid.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Yeah for reasons like you gave I don't ever hand my expensive stuff to strangers...
If someone really needed help I would offer to make a call for them on speaker while I held the phone...
Also if anybody snatched anything from me they lose all charitable compassion...


No, I wouldn't lend my phone to anyone I don't know. Go find a payphone or ask to use one at a store or something.


A prop on the stage of life.
I would lend my phone if the person ASKED before taking it out of my freaking hand. After the fact I would of just said no.


Tell me, do you bleed?
Alright, so yesterday my sister had her phone (Galaxy S3) stolen right out of her hand at school. I guess some kid made up a story about how his sister forgot to pick him up so he needs to call someone for a ride. She felt bad and let him use it. He fidgeted with the phone for a minute pretending to call and once my sister noticed something was fishy, he took off with the phone. She chased him down but the kid got away. Obviously, this is going to change her phone-lending habits...but it really sucks that it has to be this way in this day and age. We're carrying devices that are worth $600 dollars in our pockets. You can't even let someone use a phone without the fear of having it taken from you.

My question is: Next time a stranger asks to borrow your phone, what would your answer be and why?
I don't own a wealthy phone, partly because I don't want to get killed over a piece of modern junk, partly because I don't need it, and partly because even if I wanted a cellphone like that, I have better things to spend my money -which is not much- on. Now, I wouldn't like to have my pitiful phone taken from me, I like it and it costs me like forty dollars in my country to get another one of the cheapest, that's why I don't lend it to anyone but my closest friends and relatives. I recommend you to do exactly the same.


Yes, I'm nice enough to let a stranger use my phone. But if he takes of running with it I'm getting his ass.
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Divekick x 1000
Nah. Probably not. If it was someone I knew sure. But a random guy nope. There are plenty of phones around at that school he could have used I'm sure.

Sorry to hear that though.


I would still after the experience. I've had people steal or try to steal a lot of things in my life. Most of the time I'm really self aware so I prevent it from happening. It almost happened at the mall a year ago, someone tried stealing my wallet while I was shopping, but thankfully I was paying attention.

If they need to call someone to get a ride, there's no reason why they need privacy to do that. I would just call for them for the person if they give me the number. If they have a problem with that arrangement odds are they're up to no good and thus don't really need to use your phone and wouldn't turn it over to them anyway.

We can't let bad people stop us from being kind, but we can approach how we deal with people in a way that protects ourselves and our interests too while being helpful still.


Divekick x 1000
I've got a anti-theft on my phone so they can run but they aren't getting far.

You can't trust anyone with anything anymore.


Est In Harvey 1989
In public no. Not someone I didnt know. On the bright side though if you have a iphone you wouldn't have that issue because of some chip in the phone recording locations and what not.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Ask to hold on to their ID or Wallet or something while they hold on to your phone.

Then have them give you the phone back before you give them their shit back.


Scrub God Lord
A costumer asked me to do this the other day and I did, but I kept the couple fairly close.
Running away was not an option l0l

Vulcan Hades

lol I would never lend something expensive or precious to a complete stranger. Not even people from here that I think are cool and nice people. If I don't know someone personally and if they aren't good friends IRL then I'm not trusting them.

It doesn't mean I wouldn't help a stranger. If someone asked me to borrow my phone to make a call I would give them change so they can use a phone booth. Or I would direct them to some nearby place where they can use/borrow a phone.


I work at the airport amd I get asked all the time by strangers. I always say no. If they beg or really need it I make them give me their laptop or wallet. If im in the street and someone asked me I tell them I have no minutes :p