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Question What would make each character totally broken? Not unfair, but, a nightmare to deal with?


What's up with Killer Instinct?
I've played this game forever and any can tell you there are a lot of things about it that are not very fair. But to be honest, I really like that the game is unfair and I think that NRS made it this way on purpose. Having all these bad matchups is a clever way to encourage players to use multiple characters and as a result keep players busy so they have more time to make more games.

But, I've always had this funny idea. If your intention was to make an unfair game why not make it completely unfair. So, here are a few things I thought of that could happen but probably won't because NRS would have a petition on their doorstep every morning. Feel free to add something if you think of anything.

1. Mileena

- Make her teleports overheads and give the Ex. armor
- Make her normal ball roll a low

2. Raiden

- Make the electric fly an overhead
- He can use his teleport in the air and on the ground
- Ex. Electrocute is unblockable
- You could give him a low starter, but, come on, that would be unthinkable.

3. Liu Kang

- his fireballs do 8% instead of 7%
- he can cancel his combos into "dragon stance" just like every other character with a stance
- Make his parry startup 1 frame like cyber sub-zero
- Make his 2 1 3 an overhead at the start or make the 1 an overhead after the 2, that will give him a low and overhead starter

4. Scorpion

- Hellfire does 8% instead of 7%
- Ex. Spears, Teleport, and Ex.Hellfire have full armor
- He can fake the spear or cancel it like a whip
-He can cancel the hellfire like Ermac's Psychic Palm or Sub-Zero's Force Claws

5. Jade

- Her normal shadow glow lasts as long as her Ex. and her Ex Glow lasts 4 seconds
- can combo after her 3 4 2 anywhere on screen not just in the corner
- She can fake throwing her boomerangs
- She takes normal damage when using Ex. Glow

6. Sindel

- Armor, nuff said

7. Sub-Zero

- Can charge his Iceball, that way, he could cancel it or charge it fully so it would have the same power as his Ex. Iceball. (like how they charge Hadoukens in Street Fighter X Tekken)
- I want to say "Make his Ice Puddle faster" , but, does it have a use anymore?

8. Kabal

- can't think of one thing, not one blessed thing. I guess one thing is that - his dash had as much recovery as reptile's

9. Kenshi

- see above

10. Ermac

- Force Push is an overhead

11. Cyrax

- When he drains meter he absorbs what he drains (Maybe this one is toooooo unfair)

12. Kung Lao

- Give him a reset. Done deal. (I guess his hat would work like Cyrax's Ex. bomb and reset you itself)
- During the "Leg Broom" if you don't use any thing after that he lets your leg down and the move just keeps you standing

13. Quan Chi

- Same as Cy, when he drains meter he gains what he takes away
- Ex. Ground Burst travels horizontally instead of vertically (Yes people he would have a unibeam)
- Sky Drop has startup invincibilty like Cyrax's teleport

14. Sonya
- Full armor on Arc Kick, think about it.

15. Baraka
- give him Cyrax's command grab

16. Reptile
-nuthing, absolutely nothing.

17. Smoke
- when his shake parries a projectile he gains some health back

18. Johnny Cage
- Give him Cyrax's command grab
- when his sunglasses come off we find out he is a terminator

19. Kitana
- her air fans do 9% instead of 8%
- safe wakeup attacks

20. Nightwolf
- Toe Stomp was a "low" like it should be anyway (It should be. It should be a low. Can anyone explain why it's not a low?)
- Choke had faster startup and recovery like Jax's Gotcha Grab
- Arrow Shot did 8%


Give Noob safer projectiles(includes ghost ball), instant recovery after portal(longer recovery), all his normals are faster than 15 frames and more damage. :3

And direct able teleport that's safe on whiff.
If Scorpion had a safe spear he would be almost tournament viable. Even with a 0 on block spear, his pokes are garbage and whats his fastest starting normal, 9 or 10 frames?
Give reptile armor on ex dash, let both versions of dash hit people out of the air, and safe on block. -4.
Also 3 has cancel advantage of 30 on block and 10 frames


- F4 has 9 frames start-up
- Daggers do 7% on hit and 2% chip(each)
- EX Dagger on hit can link into combo
- F2121+2 + EX Dagger cancel jails on crouch block


Administrator and Community Engineer
Kenshi: Being able to chain EXSC into SC. Being able to combo with EXSC in the corner. Making SC 8 frames.
Kabal: Being able to combo fullscreen iAGB into nomad dash. Being able to get a standing reset from f4. Being able to cancel everything into ground saw/OH mixup. Stepback on ground saw. Armored EX dash
Sonya: Super-armored cartwheel that's safe on block and squashes 99% of the other EX moves in the game. Guaranteed 50/50 on standing reset at the end of every combo. Extremely low hitbox and d4 with the range of a nautical mile.
Cage: Large hitbox on f3 and most moves at 0 or close on block. 11f1 being + on block. Being able to get guaranteed chip from a nutpunch standing reset.
Cyrax: Being able to reset people for 90%. Being able to drain meter mid-combo w/ EX net. Being able to reset people after breakers.
Kung L--


*Quietly backs up and tiptoes out of thread*

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Smoke - Armor on EX Smoke Bomb, and invincibility start-up on EX Smoke Away/Towards. Also, invisibility boost. =D