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Good point phase3, very understandable post.
Mortal kombat has never been an EVO qualifier before and this is the first time Mortal kombat is making it up there, still the problems with these majors is the same i stated above, idk what the deal is behind all this but at these majors mk is not being treated equally like the other games and only the left overs are coming to us, i'm not the only one who has experienced this or have been disappointed for how MK9 is being treated, I was gonna forfeit my first match on the top 8 at Winter brawl why? a lot of people experienced what was happening in there and how poorly MK9 top 8 was ran, and same with other tourneys at the same venue, i don't want to go into details i have said this before, and this is not the only time we have been treated like shit on these tourneys.

I will fully support MLG, MAK, VSM, or any MK9 community tourneys that really value how this community is struggling to keep this game alive, i know thanks to these majors MK9 has made a name for itself on the FGC but also these majors have got their profit out of hosting this game at their venue, as i said before i don't wanna go into details and will just stop it here.

Love you Rob and you are one of the persons i respect the most on this community not only this community but in the world, you are one of the nicest guys out there and i will never have anything against you.
you are 100% right on your post but please understand our point, maybe we could discuss some of this tomorrow at VSM, i dont have class next friday and will be able to make it there tomorrow.

Sorry for the grammar errors =/


Love you Rob and you are one of the persons i respect the most on this community not only this community but in the world, you are one of the nicest guys out there and i will never have anything against you.
you are 100% right on your post but please understand our point, maybe we could discuss some of this tomorrow at VSM, i dont have class next friday and will be able to make it there tomorrow.
The same goes for you brother. You will always be one of my favorites in this community along with Manny,Robin,REO and Tom.
Weve had so many good times together. And believe me I do understand where your coming from. I do understand its frustrating to have to wakeup at 9am to play top 8 matches. The thing is, this happens to other smaller games at major tournaments to. Tekken,Soul Caliber,Melty blood,BlazBlue, all have gotten the shaft at one time or another at these things. The reasons are two fold. In any event, you always save the best for last. Street Fighter and Marval will always attract the most players and the most viewers. They HAVE to put it on in prime time. These are also usually the biggest tournaments and require the most resources of the TO's to run. The consequence of that is that the smaller games sometimes dont get the airtime they deserve. But understand its not prejudice thats the problem, its logistics. The anwser isnt to stop supporting majors, the anwser is to support them more. Bring more people to these tournaments, get more noticed, make the game bigger and these issues will happen less and less for MK.
I am all for having our own community run tournaments as well, but we should never forget where we came from, how we got where we are and the people who helped put us there. Big Eric,Li Joe,Sweet Johnny Cage, Ghaleon,Tim Static,I love these guys because they gave MK a platform to perform on long before anyone else gave a damn about MK. In short, we are here because of them.


I have to agree with Swift here. I don't understand why we have to have SF and Tekken alongside with MK for it to be considered a major for our community. FV was one of the best tournaments I've been to. They treated us way better than some of these so called "majors" ever have.

Just like how we are starting to handle the NFGR issue by creating our own, we need to have our own majors and support them over all else.


I don't see how an mk tournament with 12 competitors could be considered a major only because it happens to be at an event that is considered a major because of all the other games but an individually ran tournament with a high turn out and high competition isn't. That is absurd to me.

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I don't understand why we have to have SF and Tekken alongside with MK for it to be considered a major for our community. FV was one of the best tournaments I've been to. They treated us way better than some of these so called "majors" ever have.

Just like how we are starting to handle the NFGR issue by creating our own, we need to have our own majors and support them over all else.
I know you don't understand Reo, and thats ok. You also know I've never lied to you, and Ive never steered you wrong. Not supporting major tournaments is one of the worst things we as a community could possibly do. There is nothing wrong with also having our own MK community driven tournaments, but to do that, and only that, to the exclusion of everything else will only hurt the community. It hurts us because it insulates us. It makes us exist in our own little bubble, our own little world, and that will stop us from growing.
The MK community is to small to be its own country, and to large to be an insane asylum.
It is no different from when the tournament scene for MK died the first time. You remember Armageddon and MKDC don't you? All there was was online play. And everyone took it so seriously. You look back at it now and seems silly, but we lived in our own little world then, and nobody outside of that world gave a shit. It wasn't until MK started getting noticed at majors that things started to change.
Having only MK community driven tournaments is ultimately doing the same thing, boxing us into our own little world, and it will stunt our growth big time. Everything that's happened for us is a result of the tournaments you guys want to now turn against, its mind boggling honestly.
ECT3,Summerjam,seasons beatings, EVO, you guys put MK on the map with every tourney you went to and THAT'S why we are where we are now and that's why organizations like MLG got interested, not because of small regional tourneys. I understand you guys get treated like royalty at these MK only tournaments, and that's cool and all. But this isn't about being rockstars, its about helping the community grow. Turning our backs on the very tournaments that helped give us these opportunity's is not the way to go.


Digital Pro Sports
Words of wisdom from 9.95, worth the listen:


As a personal note, regardless of anything you may have to put up with, participation in a Major is the best form of publicity we could ever hope for. Again our schedule fuck up with PowerUp was not intentional and we are extremely apologetic for it, we will forever be supportive of the big dogs out there. MAK will always roll out the red carpet for Mortal Kombat at every event we're involved with, but we only offer prestige within the community itself, whereas tournaments like PU, ECT, etc. offer a more widespread/public prestige.

We do have lofty goals though, so the next year is going to be extremely interesting. =)