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What to do with my sons skills


Wow, that's pretty badass for a nine year old.

From watching the Reptile video, I'd say his only problem is the approach he's using. He should be hanging back and zoning with Reptile wherever he can get away with it, and making you rush in instead. Doing more D4 into acid hand wouldn't hurt, if you can teach him to do that. Other than that, he's actually off to a pretty good start.


Wow, that's pretty badass for a nine year old.

From watching the Reptile video, I'd say his only problem is the approach he's using. He should be hanging back and zoning with Reptile wherever he can get away with it, and making you rush in instead. Doing more D4 into acid hand wouldn't hurt, if you can teach him to do that. Other than that, he's actually off to a pretty good start.
Thanks brother, mean a lot :)

On another note, am very happy right now xD
i hope AU_IM_DIGIMON posts about their matches.

my son held his own against him, and well...ill wait for Webster to comment :)
i just want to say that what you see in the video is no fluke, the kid can play some reppy very well.

I want to thank DIGI for his hospitality, very good host, and a very great guy.
we will do this again brother, thanks a lot for this :)
Hello again.
Glad to hear you got to experience a casual with your son.
Hope to see those matches soon, man.
Keep it up! ;)


yes i know, i have to get with it :p
just been to busy this past month to practice :(
but i dont want to take anything away from AJ, he has put in the time, and the results are very promising :)
thanks for watching :)

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Wow, I just read this whole thread, and as a sensitive musician, I gotta say its a pretty touching and Damn awesome story to follow. Your a great dude from what I can tell, Keep it up with him man. He will be a great protege. Get him to events where he can get be amongst the atmosphere and all that jazz. This is an awesome thread, kinds makes me wish I had a son to fight with. :D love it catch. This made my day.
-b_s- :headbang:


Wow, I just read this whole thread, and as a sensitive musician, I gotta say its a pretty touching and Damn awesome story to follow. Your a great dude from what I can tell, Keep it up with him man. He will be a great protege. Get him to events where he can get be amongst the atmosphere and all that jazz. This is an awesome thread, kinds makes me wish I had a son to fight with. :D love it catch. This made my day.
-b_s- :headbang:
Haha, great comments here brother, trust me when i say, it is very much appreciated :)
and i will, now that i know what i suspected all along this past few weeks :)
the excitement he has surpasses mine, and am very excited for him :)

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Haha, great comments here brother, trust me when i say, it is very much appreciated :)
and i will, now that i know what i suspected all along this past few weeks :)
the excitement he has surpasses mine, and am very excited for him :)
Well I know I, and I'm sure many others are super psyched and rooting for him. Can only imagine how cool it must be to see develop. Fight the good fight, lil man Aj!

-b_s- :headbang:


Well I know I, and I'm sure many others are super psyched and rooting for him. Can only imagine how cool it must be to see develop. Fight the good fight, lil man Aj!

-b_s- :headbang:
Haha, thanks brother :)
Heres a few combo videos AJ wanted me to share, kid all he does is MK9 lol...Love IT haha
Thanks for watching and commenting.
Oh and the sonya and reptile tag one seems to be original,i really havent seen it at all :)

Thanks for all the support :)
More to come :confused: meep? LOL


Probably Drunk
Anytime man. It's about having fun and being a self progression. Most people get too caught up in themselves.

Anyways I did have a little bit of advice if you want to share it. Whenever I find people I like to play with, I try to give as much helpful advice as I can, and maybe I'll be lucky to get some in return. If we both get better we both win.

First: Possibly a main (Maybe he does, or maybe he's getting so good he doesn't have to), but in my experience as I am stricken with "altitis" I end up jumping to too many fighters, and never really specialize in one. Since the game came out I "mained" 3/4 of the cast... even sheeva (lol). I just recently (this week) said ENOUGH, and my mains are Shang, Smoke, and Raiden. I try to play just those. (I don't like playing raiden when I'm lagging a lot cause it feels cheap). Maybe if he picked one guy he loved, and played him every other match? He's just soooo good with so many, it's scary to think what he could do if he focuses it all into one guy. Seriously.... ouch!

Cross ups; your son is deadly with them, but it gets predictable. There were a couple times were I just blocked and baited it with a NJP. My suggestion is to do two cross ups and then hit low to stop the counter.

D1, and D3: He's amazing with combos, but when I get close to him he should be pushing me away with D1, and D3. Nothing big but it would get me off of him and give him time to execute a good crossover or combo.

That's all I can think of. He's really really good. I can tell you guys have a ton of fun with this, and I hope you don't let the haters ruin it. Feel free to hit me up anytime and I'll do my best to give any advice I can.



Anytime man. It's about having fun and being a self progression. Most people get too caught up in themselves.

Anyways I did have a little bit of advice if you want to share it. Whenever I find people I like to play with, I try to give as much helpful advice as I can, and maybe I'll be lucky to get some in return. If we both get better we both win.

First: Possibly a main (Maybe he does, or maybe he's getting so good he doesn't have to), but in my experience as I am stricken with "altitis" I end up jumping to too many fighters, and never really specialize in one. Since the game came out I "mained" 3/4 of the cast... even sheeva (lol). I just recently (this week) said ENOUGH, and my mains are Shang, Smoke, and Raiden. I try to play just those. (I don't like playing raiden when I'm lagging a lot cause it feels cheap). Maybe if he picked one guy he loved, and played him every other match? He's just soooo good with so many, it's scary to think what he could do if he focuses it all into one guy. Seriously.... ouch!

Cross ups; your son is deadly with them, but it gets predictable. There were a couple times were I just blocked and baited it with a NJP. My suggestion is to do two cross ups and then hit low to stop the counter.

D1, and D3: He's amazing with combos, but when I get close to him he should be pushing me away with D1, and D3. Nothing big but it would get me off of him and give him time to execute a good crossover or combo.

That's all I can think of. He's really really good. I can tell you guys have a ton of fun with this, and I hope you don't let the haters ruin it. Feel free to hit me up anytime and I'll do my best to give any advice I can.

Thanks brother, much appreciated :)
Very good advice.

also heres some matches me and AJ had last night :)
Ill only post a few, dont want to fill up these thread with just videos lol, so ill do 2 out of the six i just uploaded :)

I suck with Liu Kang, so :p LOL

This is him sucking with Jax, he got PWNED YEAH!!!! LOL
Actually hes much much better with Jax, i can hardly beat him :(
so this clip does not show his true skill with Jax.
why post this then? just so he dont get a big ol head ;)


Heres a few vids of me looking like a fool lol
Cant wait to get the brand new ps2 pads that are coming tomorrow, freaking gamestop shit pads suck ass and they stick like crazy.... :(
anyways, round 2 of part-2 is funny lol
More vids will be uploaded to my channel by tomorrow, nothing big, just some fun fights :)
Thanks for watching and supporting :)


man, your kid RULES... period!
LOL thank you sir.
I pride myself in raising my kids to learn how to laugh and be for the most part, cool and happy kids, just like any other parent should do :)
Thanks for watching and your support brother.

What a cool little dude, he's getting better!
haha thanks man :)
also any tips for my still in diapers JC? would appreciated :)
i have a ton of ground to gain in just 4 days, just since grandma died, i truly havent been able to practice, like i started practicing last night since the 3rd quarter of june :(


Round 2 part 1 was sick, your kid really knows how to maximize damage.

Just a tip, 2 4 spin whiffs if your back is facing the screen. Try to make sure your chest is facing the screen when you're using 2 4 spin. Alternatively, you can use 2 1 spin, or a naked spin.


Round 2 part 1 was sick, your kid really knows how to maximize damage.

Just a tip, 2 4 spin whiffs if your back is facing the screen. Try to make sure your chest is facing the screen when you're using 2 4 spin. Alternatively, you can use 2 1 spin, or a naked spin.
ah fack, yeah i remember now, man i got to get with it lol.
i remember seeing that on youtube from wonder chef i believe, he posted that a little while back. thanks for reminding me, i was starting to wonder wtf is going on lol.
thanks brother :)

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
also any tips for my still in diapers JC? would appreciated :)
i have a ton of ground to gain in just 4 days, just since grandma died, i truly havent been able to practice, like i started practicing last night since the 3rd quarter of june :(
Sorry about your loss, family members passing always stinks. Hopefully she had a good long life!

F0xy grampa has some really good JC matches recorded, it's pretty easy to familiarize yourself with the character, honestly. He's not too complicated, but he's a blast to play!


And here's the thread for the stagger strats

And for his midscreen bnb, you always want to do 2, dash, 2, dash, 2, dash, 44 nut punch. Online you have to resort to 11, dash, 11, dash, 44 nut punch though since online blows! Even then, occasionally I can't land that online!

End all your pressure strings which connect into a nut punch, if they don't connect, throw!


Sorry about your loss, family members passing always stinks. Hopefully she had a good long life!

F0xy grampa has some really good JC matches recorded, it's pretty easy to familiarize yourself with the character, honestly. He's not too complicated, but he's a blast to play!


And here's the thread for the stagger strats

And for his midscreen bnb, you always want to do 2, dash, 2, dash, 2, dash, 44 nut punch. Online you have to resort to 11, dash, 11, dash, 44 nut punch though since online blows! Even then, occasionally I can't land that online!
Truly awesome brother, thanks.
I picked up JC like 2 dayes before she when into the hospital, and since then, am stuck in what i learned in two days lol
Ill have to practice that 2 dash instead of the 11, like you said, online blows lol

and sadly she was only 54 when she passed, but she lived life to the fullest, as evident by the 1000 plus people that whent to her funeral.
so its been hard, but things are kinda normalizing as of late :)
thanks again brother :)

I also recommend this http://testyourmight.com/forum/showthread.php?7584-Examing-REO-s-Johnny-Cage

I keep that page bookmarked because REO's johnny cage is one of the most dominating I've ever seen (although part of it may be because his opponents weren't too familiar with the matchup).
awesome, thanks bud :)


Round 2 part 1 was sick, your kid really knows how to maximize damage.

Just a tip, 2 4 spin whiffs if your back is facing the screen. Try to make sure your chest is facing the screen when you're using 2 4 spin. Alternatively, you can use 2 1 spin, or a naked spin.
opposing stances, not specifically when the back is facing the screen. Only if he's face forward and lao is back or vice versa


That's about right.
I take it someone complained about a kid playing a mature game? When I was a in elementary school I played the MK trilogy. 1 of my favorite things do to as a kid was go to wal-mart believe it or not, simply because they had a mk cabinet lol. I would get crushed by the older kids, but it was so much fun.