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What Shoes/Trainers/Sneakers do u wear


i dont really care has long has they fit and cheap £10-£30

These are my trainers. They are Nike brands :D. I took the pics on my nokia 6230i



PK Denis said:
Sneakers are inspired off of the "720 degrees" video game cabinet.
The Dunks you showed are the Skate or Die ones, the 720 is black and pink, with the checker inside.


Oh yeah, and today I'm rockin' Moats!

and since I'm skating a bowl contest tomorrow, I'm rockin some lucky 7's

and in case any are curious, they were given to me w/ out the option of resale, so that's why I'm skating such expensive shoes.
Dreamcatcher said:
Wow you're gonna get jumped at the bar for that shit. hehe
haha i don't think a bunch rich white kids are gonna stick me for my kicks, if so i'll go out swingin' for the fences Mortal Kombat Style!

and wazz, shoes last me long time (except for work) so why not get the best! I've had that pair for 2 or 3 years and they still look brand new :)


Im not really big on sneakers...never have been and usually only wear em for playin sports or doing a lotta runnin around for busy days. I only own a few pairs and some are good quality since I hardly buy new ones

Y-3 and Adidas is cool with me. Otherwise, I stick to boots/shoes