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What is the hardest Star Lab Mission?


Face it, you're done.
Slicing rocks takes forever. There's four of them and they are literally the only four missions holding me back at this point -_-


The King
ok ya, that one was pretty freakin annoying. Any mission were you have to do something that relies on the CPU's action were retarded. Like winning a clash or getting hit by a super, Cause they just sit there and don't do shit

for me my 3 most difficult missions were
1) the shooting against the wind missions
2) the slicing rocks out of the air missions
3) Cyborg's Missile dodge.


I stopped caring about all 3 stars a long time ago. The most annoying mission for me is one of Bane's; where you can't let Flash hit you once. I made it to 3 seconds until the bastard charged me. Most flying missions (like Lantern v Sinestro) and sneaking mission (like Nightwing trying clear a freaking 2 ft laser beam) aggravate me.


The King
I stopped caring about all 3 stars a long time ago. The most annoying mission for me is one of Bane's; where you can't let Flash hit you once. I made it to 3 seconds until the bastard charged me. Most flying missions (like Lantern v Sinestro) and sneaking mission (like Nightwing trying clear a freaking 2 ft laser beam) aggravate me.
The bane one you gotta use interactable INSTANTLY then grab him so hes to the left of you, throw the motorcycle at him. Then stick to the right side for the last 3 or 4 seconds if he gets close try to grab him again as it wastes more time. Should be set.


Getting better with age
I had hell with WWs "win w full 2nd bar" vs sinestro where you had a list to do AND youre bleeding.
Also had a time dealing 40% combo vs invisible cyborg.

I dont play WW -_-


The bane one you gotta use interactable INSTANTLY then grab him so hes to the left of you, throw the motorcycle at him. Then stick to the right side for the last 3 or 4 seconds if he gets close try to grab him again as it wastes more time. Should be set.
That's a good idea. I'll give it a try, thanks.

'course the AI will probably just throw a move at me the second I press RB, but it's a start hahaha.


The King
That's a good idea. I'll give it a try, thanks.

'course the AI will probably just throw a move at me the second I press RB, but it's a start hahaha.
Or I mean use interactable and use Banes Air Grab move or whatever. Like DB or DF 2. then throw motorcycle at him and stick to the right side lol.


-Mexican Online Warrior-
I got the 720 star, the hardest Missions For me where
-17 Batman Use only Special Moves
-72 Deathstroke Dont miss any Shoot
-80 Deathstroke Destroy all missile
-85 Green Arrow Dont miss any shoot
-125 Cyborg Cant Jump, due the floor is electrified
-129 Cyborg Complete the list in order.
-171 Raven second Life Combo is hard to pull off
-224 Wonder Woman, this is the hardest one in my opinion.
-All red Son Missions (Solomon Grundy)


The King
I got the 720 star, the hardest Missions For me where
-17 Batman Use only Special Moves
-72 Deathstroke Dont miss any Shoot
-80 Deathstroke Destroy all missile
-85 Green Arrow Dont miss any shoot
-125 Cyborg Cant Jump, due the floor is electrified
-129 Cyborg Complete the list in order.
-171 Raven second Life Combo is hard to pull off
-224 Wonder Woman, this is the hardest one in my opinion.
-All red Son Missions (Solomon Grundy)
Those deathstroke ones suck ass. and the green arrow one. The special move batman one wasnt that bad, BUT THE FUCKING CYBORG ONES ARE GAY AS FUCKING FUCK FUCKING GRAPPLING OMFG FUCKCKCK.


The King
I got the 720 star, the hardest Missions For me where
-17 Batman Use only Special Moves
-72 Deathstroke Dont miss any Shoot
-80 Deathstroke Destroy all missile
-85 Green Arrow Dont miss any shoot
-125 Cyborg Cant Jump, due the floor is electrified
-129 Cyborg Complete the list in order.
-171 Raven second Life Combo is hard to pull off
-224 Wonder Woman, this is the hardest one in my opinion.
-All red Son Missions (Solomon Grundy)
Those deathstroke ones suck ass. and the green arrow one. The special move batman one wasnt that bad, BUT THE FUCKING CYBORG ONES ARE GAY AS FUCKING FUCK FUCKING GRAPPLING OMFG FUCKCKCK.


Only a couple left, I am stuck on the Cyborg/Black Adam dodge missile missions. As well as the Wonder Woman move list while bleeding and the last lex with reflective shield one (shield up for 10 secons). Another one where I simply to stupid to do it is the first Aquaman mission, I just can't get him to do that Atlantic Ace Combo. Any Tips?


-Mexican Online Warrior-
The Black Adam Mission is easy the missile have the same Pattern every time you play it.
Is hard to do three Stars the first Time, so keep training and replay the mission you have most trouble
For the Womder Woman Mission try to do the list the fastest way you can

Good Luck


One mission that was pretty annoying was a GL mission where I think Scarecrow or some other cunt was interfering while I had to fight Deathstroke, and one of the stars required not using trait. I would get so close to winning, then my controls become reversed and a trait comes out mid combo.