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What is the best special attack in MK9?

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Stand alone (meaning without the aid of follow ups, just by itself) it's Spirit Charge no doubt. Ex Version obviously trumping everything with 8 frame start up, armor, and ridiculous advantage on block.
My vote would go to any of these specials: (excluding ex moves)
- Ice Clone: Good space control; Leads to full combo; hard to get past w/o armor.
- (Sonya) Dive Kick: Fast; Can be made safe, leads to full combo; destroys aa.
- Spirit Charge: Speaks for itself.
- Elbow Dash: Fast; Versatile; Best whiff punisher; Offensive/defensive capabilities
- Nomad Dash: Speaks for itself.

Ex Specials:
- Ex Super Kick: Super armor; Chargeable; Can be canceled; Armored dash; Aa capabilities; Offensive/defensive capabilities.
- Ex Nomad Dash; Speaks for itself.
- EX Cartwheel: Speaks for itself.


Fabled Villain
Raiden's teleport is the single biggest game-altering special, IMO. Without it, his slow normals and lack of potent offensive game would ensure his placement as the very worst character in the game. With it, he's top ten and a true force to be reckoned with, in the right hands.

Daniel Aiden

Kung Lao - spin , Smoke - smoke bomb, Kenshi - Spirit Charge , Reptile - elbow dash,
EX moves - Sonya - Cartwheel , Kabal - nomad dash , Rain - super kick , Raiden - teleport
its obviously kabals nomad dash, it enables really good rushdown, wakeup option either for full dash or canceled into flash parry which is safe, blows up zoning, basically works as guaranteed anti air in most situations and helps you build meter like crazy. without this move or skarlet dagger cancels kung lao would be best meter builder in the game. just having this move allows you to build more meter than kung lao, thats how ridiculous this move is

if you give this dash to any character in the game they will instantly at least become upper mid tier imo.


Nightwolf wannabe
for sure stupid azz cancellable nomad dash (armored with enh) only things that are even close are sonya enh cartwheel cyrax net kenshi shoulder. these extremely top tier characters whole game revolve around those moves. honorable mention quan chi rune and kung lao spin