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What if JJ aka J'onn J'onzz ;) looks like this?

So I stumbled upon these when trying to find any crap that is Superman VS Batman related. Personally, these are AMAZING, rather mean than troubled but I still adore this redesign. By the look of the texture of his suit, I'm thinking Superman's being bullied hard, first by batman then MMH.
It's from an artist who's won comic con's art show for his re-imagining Braniac.
Here's his website
But do discuss, I want to hear what you guys think, cuz you know I love you. XD


Kytinn King
He loves showing wrinkles and deep facial texture in his art, but it looks nice, too angry face for J'onn but I like the costume a lot. Also isn't it funny how J'onn J'onzz and Jon Jones not only have the same name, but also have crazy long arms? Coincidence?