Online especially Reptile, even if you were holding block the reaction time towards his Dash is nearly impossible and you just handed him free 11% damage from a move that is abusive and exploitable for online. At times when you do block his Dash for once, your punishment is delayed and the green bastard escapes free again.
If my opponent is constantly jumping and cross me up repeatedly like a jump punching drunk monkey I start playing bad because spacing gets f***ed up online with all that randomness then I start to spam them to death if they do. If I happen to play a character with air control, I immediately put a stop to that nonsense that happens online only. All it takes is round 1 for you to see how the match will turn out.
D1 anti-cross up is non-existent online, even if you somehow made it work it's difficult to follow it up on reaction because you didn't expect it to work that one time. For jump ins and cross ups, I just make sure my opponent will never get that opportunity during the match. I asked one player once why do you jump punch around so much and he said "I can't get my combos to work on the ground." <--- there goes online for you, jumping punching is the answer to make combos work.