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What game mode you will use first?


I'm usually the type of player to just go on arcade mode (or versus if someones there to play with me) just to have some fun first. For whatever reason in new games it's kinda fun not knowing a damn thing that you're doing and your just having fun. After that I'll go into practice mode, and challenge mode to get the feel of whoever I'm feeling fits my play style then get more serious (Playing to win and all that other bullness).

I'll actually be getting on this site more and more since I don't get on much anymore (blame MKDC+ no Tekken players :\).


prob combo practice mode to get a feel for the characters, then to the lab to practice...then to my friend's house for offline matches...
What game mode you will use first?
Point me to the 'mode' that unlocks Shao Kahn then from there; I do not pass Go!; I do not collect $200; I go straight to training mode!

Shao Kahn must beseem his stature and legacy on-line as he surely will off. I for one will not be sullying his infamous name by scrubbin' my way through the million ninja clones that will invariably beseige the Emperor.

When you meet the 'Sablicious Kahn', you will long for the days you were being fustigated by MK2/3 AI-controlled boss! :evilgrin:
I'll almost definitely hit Practice mode with Reptile, and do my best to learn the 2-3 move combos by heart. After that, I'll see what ones link up best.

I will play Arcade and the Challenge Tower before I play online, though. I really want to do some prep work before I throw myself to the wolves.
I'll probably be hitting an even mix of story mode and challenge tower for the first couple of hours so I can get a feel for how the final build flows. Once I've had a little time with all the characters, I'll narrow down the list to the 2 that appeal to me most.

After that, it's time for practice mode where I'll spend some time getting familiar with the auto combos and playing with some ideas. As far as long "show-offy" combo strings go, I'm not planning to spend much time learning them other than a few bread and butters just so I have something to punish mistakes with. Ideally, my approach to this game is going to be more centered around short, effective strings, psyching people out with dashing in and out, and zoning characters. That's obviously subject to change, though :)

As with most other people here, I am holding off with online play until I have some basic structure with my two "mains."


R.I.P. Dj Screw
I might hit up Story Mode first and hit up the rest of the modes. It all depends on how I feel about it.