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Question - Gunslinger What do you prefer as a combo ender?

The Farmer

Gunslinger since pre ptch -Shout out 2 Youphs 2015
This is ridiculous, nobody plays this variation out there... I've found only 1 video where a gunslinger gets wiped by a grandmaster SZ but seeing that guy get mauled to death by ice klones didn't help.

I really like the hat and focusing on using revolvers, but unless this variation gets a super-duper buff I'm not going to play it any more.

I have to ask once more, what is this variation supposed to do? Marksman is for zoning and outlaw is for additional pressure, but I don't know what am I supposed to do with gunslinger.
Like RizRaz posted its just a "blah" variation. There is no real strength to it. There is some moderate zoning abilities but that is it. You have to play the spacing game. I'm not a tourney or traveling player, I just play what I think looks fun and cool, and the hat is cool. Plus I think the animations for his specials such as coin toss and his pistol specials are fun to watch. If your playing competitively there is NO reason to spend time in this variation.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
id say F24 into F122
or F24 into caltrops
or end with put em up into slide thsat gives you oki