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What do you play MK on?


Started out on a toshiba 32" lcd which was sub par. Moved up to a 50" panasonic plasma that had a game mode which was surprisingly good. Moved out of state and didnt bring a tv but got an old crt through work, which was excellent but hard on the eyes. Asus went on sale around the time of my birthday now its my dedicated xbox monitor and part time movie screen for my pc I wont be changing this anytime soon .


I play on a regular tube TV

my folks big ass Pioneer Elite is horrible with lag
My girls polaroid is ok

Whatever monitor I played on at GGA was most lag free HD setup I've ever played on


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I have a computer monitor that I'm thinking of hooking up Xbox to temporarily until I get an Asus, this comp is from like 05-06, so it doesn't have an HDMI either. How do you get your audio to work? I looked at the Adapter from GameStop.
I use the red/white audio plugs from the Xbox VGA and plug them into an adapter which then plugs into speakers.



I play on an Xbox 360, and I tried it on 420 and still laggy for this TV. It's a decent priced Toshiba LED TV tho.
You should play at the native resolution of the monitor... Otherwise it will try to scale introducing lag, as well as making it look like shit.


Getting better with age
Currently I just use my "Bigass" LG tv.
However I'm seriously considering setting up a 2nd monitor up at my computer again so I can play and stream at the same time.
Running back and forth across the house @2-3am gets old quick.

Id like to purchase a setup to start making videos in the calibur of Mayo's work. I just don't know the 1st thing about doing such.
I have an iphone and that's about it. Crap camera is crap.