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What DC Stages do you hope to see in Injustice 2?


"I will cut a hole in you"
Titans Tower


fortress of solitude

Also Supermans house idk what that area is called with the tall crystals (the place super man was leaving in one of his intros in injustice)

That is all.
I don't care where there located I just hope there is a lot of them. 24+
I wouldn't mind if they redid some of the Injustice Arenas


Hot Gyahbage
Mogo the Living Planet.
Queen Industries
Gotham University
Botanical Gardens

Ryu Hayabusa

Filthy Casual
Thanagar (hawkman)

Phantom zone (Superman)

House of mystery (Constantine)

Underworld (Wonder Woman)

Swamp thing's swamp in Louisiana or the green (swamp thing)


Too old for this

It looks like the character is gaining momentum even after being smashed through walls, a cinema and being hurled upwards. Seems a bit off to me.

Not a deal-breaker by any means, but I do hope they are perfectionists and will alleviate this some.