This is all related to Tempest. I know quite a bit about Buzzsaw too, but i'm not touching on that variation atm.
Make regular hatspin -5. This way the other top tiers like cassie or the mirror don't get a free combo, but he can't poke, jump, backdash, etc, as much.
Add a gap to 112124-gap-hatspin.
Make B321 -11 instead of -5, so he has to commit, and can only be made safe with meter, or by making the string shorter. This being -5 gives him too many spots where he can stagger.
Just replace jump 2 with a 6 frame decent one, like Shinnok, Cassie, and several other characters have, so people can realize that those are just as good.
Make 11212 -5 or -6 instead of -3. Again, he has too many points where he can stagger. He needs to have to commit.
Make the 4 in 112124 not whiff.
Make F2 not whiff, just like other mids do. Yes, Kung Lao's mids whiff too biotches.
Make teleport 2 not whiff 99% of the time.
Fix some frame data. I mean, we all know teleport 3 isn't -8. It's more like -3 or -4.