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**WEEK 9** STBL Show questions Thread!!


Shadow Priest
**WEEK 9** STBL Show questions Thread!!

Hello everyone... thank you all for watching and making each episode a success.

Week 9's show will be next SUNDAY July 3rd. We are going to schedule to start at 7pm pacific, 10pm eastern again.

Please post all your questions here! This makes it easier for VULCAN to find to create our re-ordered thread for the show.
**If you need to post a question within 2 hours from the show start time, please put them in the new thread that Vulcan creates each week. If you post in this thread late we more than likely will not see your question.

Week 9, and all future shows will be open to any question about the game or about any character. Please feel free to ask anything from the most basic to the most advanced. WE WILL ANSWER EVERYTHING... unless we have covered the question in depth previously.

Thank you all for watching, see you next show!!


I have 3 questions regarding subzero, 1) How do you deal with cyrax players currently going for cyrax 56% combo with net and bombs traps? Is there is way to punish it? Like 3/5 i tried to punish, i either get caught by net when i tried to slide through his bombs or even in wake ups, or get i caught by mix ups? 2) How do you feel about this match up, cyrax vs sub tom? :/ cause it seems to me that cyrax has the perfect tools to punish sub and make it a nightmare for any sub player. 3)What is the timing for sub refreeze glitch in midscreen and in the corner? Shoutouts for spectacular show both to to you


These are two specific question in regards to if it should be removed or change. 1) Skarlet can spam projectiles all day by doin her projectile cancel, Should this be removed or change in a way? cause for characters that have bad match ups against zoners like sub, it doesnt seem like they cant do something about it. 2) Kung 2,4,low hat creates a stun that allows him to either keep doin it or mix it up with another string. offline it is barely punishable, but you can escape from it. online if you get caught by it there is nothing you can do cause it becomes unblockable if the string connects and you cant escape from it without ousing breaker. Thoughts?

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
I have some Shang matchup questions:
Kung Lao: What is the best way to punish or prevent his teleport? I can usually predict it but it doesn't seem like there is much that I can do.
Mileena: I have trouble checking her with groundskulls because her teleport is invincible on wakeup. Even when I do block it, the damage from my air combos does very little, and I have a difficult time getting in on her because of those pokes. How do I shut her down?
Jade: her projectile invulnerability shuts down my zoning. How should I approach this matchup?
Johnny Cage: His EX kick usually prevents me from zoning effectively and getting in close is very dangerous, and sometimes the kick launches me into the corner. How should I handle him?
Raiden: does Shang have any attack fast enough to punish Raiden's teleport besides the throw and pokes?
Thanks for your time Tom


All in a day's work
I have a question reguarding sindels enhanced fireballs. Are they meant to keep an airborne opponent in the juggled state?? I hope it was intended because you can get good damage because of it. Also, when an opponent blocks my 2,1 or 3,1,1 string i like to cancel the string into a hover cancel then throw. Is there more to the hover canceling i havent figured out yet? Thanks a lot!


Where does cyber-subzero rate now on the tier list since the update and could we ever see you using him in a tournament . By the way i love the
living guide its awesome source of information
1 request, 1 question:

1. I bought your guide (kudos, it's good stuff and I'll be telling others). I'd love to see you give some specific examples of the advanced Raiden tactics you talk about in it (like Vicinity Blast pressure) if you're cool with sharing it on the stream--against both normal opponents and the opponents whose hitbox makes it not work, if possible.

2. What can Shang Tsung do against people doing crossover jump punches into safe strings over and over? I always have a hard time breaking this if they don't back off.



Tom: I play Sub-Zero a lot, and often times my hardest matchups are against Kano and Mileena. What are your favorite tactics against those characters?


God Amongst Mere Mortals
Hey Tom and Silent, love the show by the way. I have two questions 1) Can you give me any advice on playing against Johhny Cage as Cyrax? I find this Cyraxs hardest match up because Johnny cage can keep advancing in with his shadow kicks and pressuring with his fast jabs making it very difficult to net him or create a favourable set up with bombs or a net. Also he has good wake up options which can sometimes get him out of cyraxs setups, any advice would be great. 2) How do you hit confirm Raidens vicinity blast trap [Back31, VB] ? because i always end up finishing the string. Thanks Tom :D
Hey Tom,

1. What are some effective strategies against Noob in the corner to maintain momentum?
For example, I dash block my way in and punish shadows from 1/4 screen distance, but it's hard to get 22 pressure and avoid shadows while maintaining momentum. Is there any kind of spacing in which I can attack safely and be able to avoid at least the up shadow so I won't get knocked down and still punish running shadow on block?

2. Which ninja do you feel gets all the bitches in netherrealm? Smoke, Scorpion, or Sub Zero??


Just a mark
1. I'm seriously not trolling, but any good strategies to use with Kratos? Is he in the Living Guide? I understand if he isn't, just wondering.

2. Is there any difference between the Sektor costumes, other than his X-Ray hitting lower on his Human form? (Like, is there a difference between default Sektor and MK3 Sektor?)

Thanks for the show and the time out of your lives you take for this.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
I find Sub-Zero has a very tough time against Kung Lao. With the exception of Skarlet, I feel he's Sub-Zero's most challenging opponent. Typically, I find it very difficult to get away with using either the ice clone or iceball in this matchup, since both seem to invite pressure off Kung Lao's teleport, should he use it to get around my zoning. So, my question is, is it more beneficial for me, as the Sub-Zero player, to cut the screen size down and mix him up with slides, 22 and the odd jump-in to punish him for throwing low hats? Given that I have to respect his wakeup spin, should I go ahead and use any knockdown I get against him as an opportunity to put out a free ice clone and then advance beyond it, hence moving Kung Lao towards the corner and cutting off his teleport option for long enough to get in again with 22, etc? So far, this is the only advancing strategy I've found at all consistent in this matchup. Would you advise it or advise against it? It would be very helpful if you could point out the holes in this strategy, as a good Kung Lao will no doubt exploit them and I am still very much in the process of learning the Kung Lao matchup. Thanks very much for any time taken to respond.


Is it worth using any EN specials in Jade´s combos? Her combos scale so badly that they barely add 3%. Exception being her EN d,b+2 that is needed to combo after her 3,4 low string.

I mean adding 3% is clearly not worth it, I was wondering if there is more special uses for them in combos such as the one I mentioned.