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**WEEK 7** STBL Show questions Thread!!


Shadow Priest
**WEEK 7** STBL Show questions Thread!!

Hello everyone... thank you all for watching and making each episode a success.

** Special Patch show ** Week 7's show will be next SUNDAY June 19th. We are going to schedule to start at 7pm pacific, 10pm eastern again.

Please post all your questions here to make it easier for us to find during the show. Also keep the character specific questions related to the 3 characters listed below. General questions are always welcome... Thanks

Week 7 character Lineup:
1. Nightwolf
2. Cyrax
We will also cover every character we have already featured on previous shows. This will include all updated information including the recent patch.

Order of events:
1. Coverage of all question threads (mku/tym/srk/trmk)
2. Character specific strategy and tips with live or previously recorded game play
3. Open questions from our live viewers.
s1lent1 said:
We will also cover every character we have already featured on previous shows. This will include all updated information including the recent patch.
Do you plan to pull that off in less than 9 hours? lol


evil beaver
Yay! Nightwolf!
Nightwolf questions:
1. IIRC you said NW was in top 5 tier-wise. What makes him so good? After all patching, is he still that high?
2. What good EX-lightning set-ups are there?
3. What block string to use after dash-in? F+3, 1 seems too slow to check opponent effectively.

General question:
1. Have you thought about using headphones to cancel noise during tournaments? I watched CEO stream, and had the feeling it was quite loud there, especially during finals.

All in all thanks for the show, keep up the good work =) And good luck in any forthcoming tournaments.


All in a day's work
for sindel.....what are her best punishers and what are her best combos including yell? Also Tom, what are you're thoughts on sindel? (cons and pros). These q's werent able to be answered last time due to the patch.


Quick question: Are there any functional/mechanical differences between the slide for Sub Zero and Cyber Sub Zero?

Also, does Cyber Sub have any practical way to break 40% in the corner? The most I can get without meter is 41% on a practical combo.


How's my volume?
Are Cyrax players overreacting to the bomb trap removal (which isn't really removed), and are they downplaying their character too much?
Where do you place Baraka on your tier list with the new changes? Just how good do you think he is now that his overall speed has been increased? Is he still the best footsie character in the game? Do you see a Baraka player winning a tournament anytime soon?

Does Baraka have any moves that gives + frame advantage on block other than 2,2,1+2?


Love the Show!

Tom Brady... I paid 99 cents for the MK9 quick reference Android app, but you mentioned on the last show that it was 2.99.... First off, anyone who asks for a refund of 99 cents is an idiot, but I wanted to know if your living guide is this app updated, or if it's a different app entirely with someone else is making money off of your work, since the 99 cent app has your name in the description.

Followup: Will your living guide break down EVERYTHING from matchups to each char's non-interruptions?
I just recently picked up Nightwolf and I would like to know the overall strategy to him. What are some reliable combos and strings? Thank you by the way love the show.


Who would you recommend for somebody accustomed to playing turtling characters such as E Honda. whom I main in SSF4?

Why are most players now saying the NW may be the best character in the game after patch? What are the options that make him so strong now?

Great job Tom and S1lent! Thanks for leveling us up.


Just reminding: Last week you said you had found out something about Sektor, so could you tell us what it is?



When going for 3,3,2 slide with cyber-subzero sometimes his back spin kick comes out in place of the slide do you know what i could possibly be doing wrong?



What's the latest you've heard about the quote unquote "Netcode issues" Or is it really some type of server contract that can't be disclosed? If it is Netcode... Is this something that can even be fixed, Or are we just getting the run around?

And... If this game had perfect Online, Do you believe that would help or hinder the Tourney scene?


does tom have any idea if the xbox patch will be out with the scarlet DLC? or are we still gonna be waiting on those fixes -___-


i don't have a good phone. i can't get apps (i know he's going to do them on multiple phone platforms, but lets say all cell apps are out of the question for me). is there a way for me to get his guides another way? i've heard him say he won't just put them up on a website for free now that he's doing the living guide... so is there ANY other way to get a copy of that if i don't have a good phone??? thanks


I think you already covered Reptile pre patch.

1. Has reptiles xray changed any since the patch? I seem to notice i am being stopped by late projectiles while using xray. Example: at hallf screen or further when using xray, raiden or ermac will throw a fireball that hits me while im about to grab or close to grabbing and it interrupts the xray. I have even been punched/ kicked from this range and been stopped. I could be wrong but thought i remember it having the armor for one hit or projectile the whole way.

2. Since the damage nerfs on reptile his BNB 321 NJP whiff combo has gone from 45 ish to i think 37 %. is it viable to start to incorporate a 122 + Forceball or 122 with mixups? The damage output on these combos is virtually the same and the last hit on 122 will always leave the opponent open for a forceball. The only drawback I can think of would be less chip damage. are there other drawbacks to the 122 compared to the 321? If you were playing with reptile how would you approach these options?

3. Im trying to level up as best i can without having an offline scene so i get no input from skilled players. So i would like to ask you: In your opinion what is a good way to get the most out of reptile after finishing a combo and your opponent is on the ground? (cross ups, multiple dashes, or fall back to zoning).

4. On last weeks show you mentioned strikers down 4 giving him advantage especially when following up with a standing 4. Does reptiles down 4 grant advantage? What strings or normal's would work best with reptile after using down 4?

5. When is your living guide gonna drop? And thanks silent and brady for doing these shows every week,


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Against Nightwolf, what can you do besides invincible wakeup moves to avoid the lightning after being hit by a shoulder charge?


S1lent1... I sent you and Tom a PM on the info of the imposter mk9 reference guide. If this app really is an imposter... let me know and I'll post some buyer beware threads.


I am are new to the forum and wanted to introduce myself .. I decided to enroll after a while 'I was reading the forum and all the good advice ..approaching the summer and I decided to get back a bit 'in the form .. I do sports (tennis and running) and I always tend to control what I eat, with ups and downs! I then discuss some interesting 'tricks and tips for proper nutrition ..I guess we will be fine!Good afternoon everyone!
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hi there great show guys, i enjoy it a lot.

is there any short version of the show? like a character specific video(for example a reptile only break down video) out of the main show, or something like head lights ,maybe just the questions section .....it would be much appreciated ,and thanx a lot for all ur effort.