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We need an all white ninja


Sub-Zero's retarded cousin. Fights with snow instead of ice.

Or more srsly, ninja of light/white Power Ranger DLC.

"White Power Ranger" is the most unfortunately named Power Ranger.
Power of light huh? Im listening...


Dojo Trainee
Sub-Zero's retarded cousin. Fights with snow instead of ice.

Or more srsly, ninja of light/white Power Ranger DLC.

"White Power Ranger" is the most unfortunately named Power Ranger.
They've really never had a light-elemental character in MK, so this could be pretty cool. I'd shell out money for it.

White is cool and all, but I'm holding out for the champagne, lavender, eggshell, mango, and taupe ninjas.
You forgot salmon.

Don't forget the salmon, bro.

...AND you forgot chartreuse. Shit man, get it together!


The Could-Have-Been King
Pfft Salmon and Chartreuse? Are you kidding me?!

Are you fucking kidding?

Good luck being the laughing stock when those colors clash the blood, sweetie!


WE have all kind of ninjas male and female, i think what this game needs the most is a female cyborg, a beautiful and sexy female cyborg would be fantastic, do you agree all?


WE have all kind of ninjas male and female, i think what this game needs the most is a female cyborg, a beautiful and sexy female cyborg would be fantastic, do you agree all?
summer glau as guest char.

on topic. its hard to resist joking about this but the idea of a white "light and speed" ninja sounds pretty interesting. im in it.

back to jokes: common colours still missing:

Pink (powers of cookie)
Orange (powers of... ummm...)
brown (ha, powers of earth (and nature))


Random foreign guy
WE have all kind of ninjas male and female, i think what this game needs the most is a female cyborg, a beautiful and sexy female cyborg would be fantastic, do you agree all?
can't see this working, but I hope some images pop up below.

EDIT: Damn Rob.


Dojo Trainee
WE have all kind of ninjas male and female, i think what this game needs the most is a female cyborg, a beautiful and sexy female cyborg would be fantastic, do you agree all?
...I agree with you on a lot of things man, but I have to say this ain't one of them.

On the other hand...

I'd hit it.

I'd just have to get used to the clanking noises.


Wouldn't he technically be Noob Saibot's opposite? Just figure out what all his weaknesses are and make them White Ninja's strengths.

Call him De Nohj. Boon and Tobias's first names in reverse :)

Maybe he has some really amazing mid-range normals and a fast defensive move that deals out quick damage to teleporting characters. I'm thinking Raiden would be a good target for that move if you're facing someone who teleports all the time.

His main problem would be with characters that have good fakeout attacks. I'm guessing that means Jax and Kabal would pose good challenges.


Wouldn't he technically be Noob Saibot's opposite? Just figure out what all his weaknesses are and make them White Ninja's strengths.

Call him De Nohj. Boon and Tobias's first names in reverse :)

Maybe he has some really amazing mid-range normals and a fast defensive move that deals out quick damage to teleporting characters. I'm thinking Raiden would be a good target for that move if you're facing someone who teleports all the time.

His main problem would be with characters that have good fakeout attacks. I'm guessing that means Jax and Kabal would pose good challenges.
I'm liking this idea. Ninjas made MK. Get over it guys. Light is an element not used yet, but we seems to have already a shadow ninja, so why not light?

Also, a chartreuse ninja, or just some new character in general, should get nature powers. I think it could use vines for grappling, then have a projectile with some hard leaves or a piece of tree. Kind of lulzy, but the character could be a grappler/disabler, with a command throw or two, then have a move that traps your opponent with vines and planets and comes up from the ground (close, mid, and long range commands). Maybe this character should just be a new topic.
Move list proposal for the all white, speed/ light based ninja:

Lightspeed – A Reptile dash like attack with the *EDIT*4-5 frames less speed but same properties, and instead of hitting with an elbow the opponent gets hit with a sword. Medium-Small ground bounce for difficult combo starters or extenders.
Flashport – Scorpion like teleport, however instead of a punch after it is just a teleport that puts him behind the opponent coming in from the other side of the screen. A little more punishable than Raiden’s teleport but not by much.
Sun Ray (close, medium, far) – A ray of light comes down from the sky, works like Shang Tsung’s air fire balls, but hits airborne opponents out of the air for a medium ground bounce that can lead into/ extend a juggle. Can only be hit twice in a combo before a forced grounding.
Plasma Ball – Looks like Kabal’s Gas Ball but white in color. Causes a slight launch on hit for combo starters (like reptile’s acid ball but with less launch height)
Swift Sword – Ninja pulls of sword and sweeps opponent’s legs, while opponent is in air sideways Ninja kicks opponent in the chest sending them backwards to ¾ screen before they hit the ground. (Like in the matrix…if anyone’s seen it :p)
*Edit, like in this video animation, but the sweep being with the sword and instead of an elbow its a kick

X-Ray – Solar Eclipse – Ninja first blinds opponent with a flash of bright light causing opponent to shield eyes and look down, Ninja disappears and reappears in the air above opponent and crashes down with his fist of the back of the opponents head (causing damage here) which in turn launches the opponents head into the ground, shattering the skull. (rest of the damage here)
Fatality 1 – Light at the End of the Tunnel – Ninja turns into a bright white light, opponent faces light (screen gets a first person view at the light), Sword flies out of the light (at screen/opponent’s head) and sticks them in the skull. Ninja flies out of light and kicks the handle of the sword upward( during kick camera changes to original view again), cutting the opponent in half, then catches the sword. FATALITY!

what do you guys think?