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Wanna Chat about UMK3?


Well last night turned out better than i expected, about 10 people showed up to the chat. Had some good times, but the highlight of the night definately had to be Rockzilla's EPIC FAIL. I hope to see more of you guys in there.
Well last night turned out better than i expected, about 10 people showed up to the chat. Had some good times, but the highlight of the night definately had to be Rockzilla's EPIC FAIL. I hope to see more of you guys in there.
I'm still horribly ashamed...

Now look retards, you all should definitely come into this chat because not only is it a good chat, it's funny as hell when scheiss and dreemer are there talking about crackwhores at 7-11 and people stealing tires off dreemer's car.


I wish there was a Sonic near me somewhere. I've never seen one in my life. The commercials look so damn good. :'(


MKKhanzo: Ded is from Bulgary jahha
14:05] *** F3arMySk1llz is now known as Amplitude.
[14:05] *** Amplitude has signed off IRC (Quit).
[14:05] *** UMKStatic is now known as CRAZYbuckeye.
[14:05] ScheissNussen: /nick omfg, ping timeout
[14:05] *** F3arMySk1llz has joined #UMK3.
[14:05] CRAZYbuckeye: lol
[14:05] *** ScheissNussen is now known as CrazyAsshole.
[14:05] *** You are now known as CrazyAmerican.
[14:06] *** CrazyAsshole is now known as ShICEMAN.
[14:06] ShaNeY: i like that
[14:06] CrazyAmerican: gogo shitman
[14:06] *** F3arMySk1llz is now known as amplitude.
[14:06] *** amplitude has signed off IRC (Read error: EOF from client).
[14:06] ShaNeY: ShICEMAN
[14:06] CRAZYbuckeye: lol @ shiceman
[14:06] *** F3arMySk1llz has joined #UMK3.
[14:06] *** ShaNeY is now known as Lord_PhoeniX.
[14:06] F3arMySk1llz: lol
[14:06] Lord_PhoeniX: sike naw
[14:06] ShICEMAN: ß
[14:06] *** You are now known as dc_hustle.
[14:07] F3arMySk1llz: ice man
[14:07] *** ShICEMAN is now known as DC_HUSTLE_287.
[14:07] F3arMySk1llz: what im about to put that
[14:07] *** DC_HUSTLE_287 is now known as DC_HUSTLE_187.
[14:07] CRAZYbuckeye: Look at Phoenix, changing SN's
[14:07] CRAZYbuckeye: hehe
[14:07] *** Lord_PhoeniX is now known as Windfrozn_Phoen.
[14:07] *** You are now known as EWAShock.
[14:07] CRAZYbuckeye: lol
[14:07] *** DC_HUSTLE_187 is now known as IAmPhoenicks.
[14:07] *** Windfrozn_Phoen is now known as Throwerrrrrrrrr.
[14:07] Throwerrrrrrrrr: WHO ASKED YOU
[14:08] F3arMySk1llz: lol
[14:08] Throwerrrrrrrrr: lol
[14:08] F3arMySk1llz: ya'll crazy
[14:08] *** IAmPhoenicks is now known as lolIpickedKabal.
[14:08] *** F3arMySk1llz is now known as laflame.
[14:08] *** lolIpickedKabal is now known as Scheisse.
[14:08] Throwerrrrrrrrr: lmao
[14:08] laflame: he tiltman
[14:08] Throwerrrrrrrrr: TOE MAN
[14:09] laflame: toe man
[14:09] laflame: lol
[14:09] Throwerrrrrrrrr: LETS GO TO HOOTERS
[14:09] *** You are now known as EWAShock_.
[14:09] laflame: ok toe man
[14:09] *** You are now known as MKLegend.
[14:09] Throwerrrrrrrrr: first
[14:09] *** laflame is now known as mistakm.
[14:09] MKLegend: gusy even tho i got raped the last time lex played me im better than him
[14:09] *** Scheisse is now known as Axem_Flames.
[14:09] mistakm: dude suck my dick
[14:09] Throwerrrrrrrrr: lets play gears and ill host every match and talk shit to people like im actually good
[14:09] Axem_Flames: jajaja memmmmmmmmmmm
[14:09] Axem_Flames: you are shit
[14:09] Axem_Flames: you are sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
[14:09] Axem_Flames: jajaja
[14:09] *** Axem_Flames is now known as ScheissNUssen.
[14:09] *** You are now known as RZP.
[14:09] RZP: dont be shit man
[14:10] Throwerrrrrrrrr: damn, you beat me to him
[14:10] ScheissNUssen: I do that and other shits
[14:10] mistakm: lol
[14:10] Throwerrrrrrrrr: lol
[14:10] *** mistakm is now known as schiesse.
[14:10] ScheissNUssen: Hanzo is like, no do not do that. I no do shits to you
[14:10] Throwerrrrrrrrr: if new people join right now, they wouldnt know whos who
[14:10] schiesse: listen here rzp you dirty fucking cock sucker
[14:10] ScheissNUssen: lol
[14:10] RZP: ur racist
[14:11] ScheissNUssen: I h8 ppl darker than bright white, i am scheisse
[14:11] ScheissNUssen: jajaja
[14:11] *** Mode change "+v schiesse" for channel #UMK3 by Throwerrrrrrrrr.
[14:11] CRAZYbuckeye: is that really RZPuta?
[14:11] Throwerrrrrrrrr: lmao
[14:11] Throwerrrrrrrrr: yes
[14:11] *** ScheissNUssen is now known as PutaKinte.
[14:11] Throwerrrrrrrrr: what the hell is wrong with you
[14:11] PutaKinte: I are so poor in my country
[14:11] RZP: éste es sí negro de mierda del rzp u
[14:11] PutaKinte: we wash our face in weewee water
[14:11] CRAZYbuckeye: lol
[14:11] CRAZYbuckeye: it is RZPuta
[14:11] CRAZYbuckeye: !!!
[14:12] RZP: la vez última intenté batir el lex que morí
[14:12] *** schiesse has joined #UMK3.
[14:12] *** PutaKinte is now known as ReeZesPeezes.
[14:12] *** DC_HUSTLE_10six has signed off IRC (Quit).
[14:12] *** schiesse is now known as DC_HUSTLE_10six.
[14:12] *** ReeZesPeezes is now known as Hanzito.


lots of people join #umk3 but no one (cept myself and shaney) idle in #umk3... Rooms die with out the squatters...
You may think being connected to a chatroom while you're not actually there sounds dumb, but it's not. Idling springs random chats among people... you never know who's there but with enough people some are likely there. Just try it and you'll see that the room will be way more interesting. As stated before IRC is big with the online gaming community, and if you know anything about gaming networks (like quakenet) idling plays a huge factor in how much a room (or team) succeeds.

If you're worried about using system resources or bandwidth, mIRC (and many other IRC clients) use little resources and bandwidth. Unless you're running some crap computer or connection you should be fine.


lots of people join #umk3 but no one (cept myself and shaney) idle in #umk3... Rooms die with out the squatters...
You may think being connected to a chatroom while you're not actually there sounds dumb, but it's not. Idling springs random chats among people... you never know who's there but with enough people some are likely there. Just try it and you'll see that the room will be way more interesting. As stated before IRC is big with the online gaming community, and if you know anything about gaming networks (like quakenet) idling plays a huge factor in how much a room (or team) succeeds.

If you're worried about using system resources or bandwidth, mIRC (and many other IRC clients) use little resources and bandwidth. Unless you're running some crap computer or connection you should be fine.
Basically if you have at least 28.8 dial up and a Pentium 75 you can leave IRC running in the background without it slowing down.