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vs Mileena...

ok umm...i see mileena players saying that one of their hardest matchups is vs reptile, but i am just not seeing it. i like to consider myself to be a high caliber player, but i can lose to some pretty shitty mileenas...and if they are even decent then forget it. sais outzone me and can be AA too...and when they throw in the U+4's and random balls in the mix, it just fucking ...i hate it. and not to mention the non-existant hitbox and the teleport that instantly reaction counters any projectile i put out there. wtf? i feel like a newb when i play vs mileena, and i am far from it. discuss.

EDIT: http://testyourmight.com/forum/showthread.php?8651-Reo-playing-Mileena. just watched REO's mileena vs Chris G's reptile...and thats pretty much how all my mileena matches go, and i feel like i can't do shit about it, which is against how i like to approach problems. just feels like she is broken vs reptile anyways...advice
My sparring partner mains Mileena so I know your pain all too well. I don't use Reptile but I think the best overall approach is to try and bait the hell out of that purple bitch!

Only throw your projectile when you guys are a FULL screen apart, she can only do two things at that point, Teleport Drop or the roll. If she teleport drops on reaction there's really nothing you can do, but at least it won't lead to a huge punish. If she tries to roll while a full screen away, she won't reach you, she'll stop right in front of you and start to recover, that's where you can unleash your most devastating combo.

When I throw projectiles, I'll throw like 2, do a quick punch just to make them think another projectile is coming out, then quickly block, usually the opponent thinks I'll throw a third and try to roll or teleport drop, but when I block them I can punish. So mix it up by throwing 1 2 or 3 projectiles, a fake out punch, and immediately blocking. NEVER projectile spam Mileena.

Another nice way to bait, is just to rush up on her after a knock down, but block when you get right next to her. You'll be able to punish any wake up attack at that point.

Another thing that helped me was learn to BRUTALLY punish a blocked roll. I used to get nervous that I would mess up a combo on a blocked roll so I'd just uppercut instead. That won't cut it against Mileena. You gotta punish that roll hard as hell. In training mode, put her wake up attack on and sweep her till you get that roll, and practice till you can punish her roll as much as possible without even thinking about it. If possible see if you can time your combo to start just as she lands so you can do a full "from the ground" combo which are usually more powerful than "from the air" ones.

Also, when up close and blocking, just block UP the whole time, NEVER down. The worse that could happen is that she hits you with some weak low attack which you can just recovery roll away from. Other than that you are completely safe from her Up + 4 combo starter, and completely safe from her roll which can be blocked high.

I don't think there's anyway to really punish a blocked teleport drop other than a quick jump kick sometimes.

Important as well is to not let Mileena chip your life away with her constant sais so remember to just duck and not block when she starts spamming her sais.

BE PATIENT! If Mileena'a only game plan seems to be throwing out a barrage of sais, just duck and wait calmly. Don't always try to dash block to get close. If you wait long enough the opponent will probably get restless and try to get close where you'll have more control.

Hope some of this helps!
Well I already do full combo punishes on blocks that allow for it, such as the roll...so that one is in the bag. I do tend to get suckered into the crouch block even though I tell myself not to. It's just the guessing game with her that gets me I suppose, getting sai spammed, can't jump out of it, so you have to elbow dash block it, but she just takes away so many options from Reptile's game it seems. I guess really I should focus on the standing block habit vs her because that does cost me more damage than I need to take from her...but it's still just the overall counter-feel I get from playing her, like everything I do she just has a complete counter. I think also I need to accept the fact there are some things Mileena is going to do that I just am going to have to eat, and just focus on preventing the larger damaging scenerios while trying to beat her to the finish... Maybe I am currently too focused on shutting her down completely when it is impossible to do so. The more you try to prevent, the more open you leave yourself when they change it up.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Vs Mileena is in her favor...it's by far Reptile's worst matchup. It's defintely a 3-7 her.
Keep away from mileena, full screen acid ball twice, then charge up an enhanced acid ball, the idiot Will teleport into you or roll into you. I do it every single time and it works. When you charge, tehy run into it and oh my gaw you hit em with an acid ball.


Keep away from mileena, full screen acid ball twice, then charge up an enhanced acid ball, the idiot Will teleport into you or roll into you. I do it every single time and it works. When you charge, tehy run into it and oh my gaw you hit em with an acid ball.
nope a good mileena will just sai you
Learn the rhythm of the opponent's sai toss. Then make your way in. Thing is, Mileena can't keep away from anyone forever. Her sais are good zoning tools but she really doesn't have a way to push you back out without first landing a combo. This of course, requires her to get in close (which you want), or she has to counter your mistakes with a roll or anti-air. Pretty sure slide beats air sai when you're within range. The problem with this matchup in my opinion as a Mileena player, is that while she's merely chipping away at your health with small damage D+4s and sai, you get big reward for everything else she might try.

You can actually time a Elbow dash and jump to get past a ground sai attempt from pretty far away giving a free jump punch combo. Elbow Dash interrupts any of Mil's pressure in close (and beats roll no less) so it forces her to defend... while you have her doing that, you can press offense. Acid ball will beat rolls (most of the time) so her wakeup game is shot. Once you gain a decent life lead it's like you can almost just turtle until Mileena comes to you. What's she going to do? throw sais over your head?

To open people up she needs to get close or counter-zone. Her counters are unsafe if blocked so they have to wait to use them on reaction to something. WHere else can she get damage from this position? The best thing she can do at this point is build enough meter for EX telekick and try to use that to get inside. With Mil, you gotta keep composure. but once you do and you punish her for mistakes, it's a lot less difficult to deal with.

maybe I'm wrong about this being a bad match for Mileena, but it's surely not as easy for her as you guys think. I'm even willing to concede to 5/5
zero i see u play in "The Wharf"...if u are a mileena main let's practice and u can give me live advice as to why i am losing to mileena, and i will offer u the same if i manage to best you


Also, when up close and blocking, just block UP the whole time, NEVER down. The worse that could happen is that she hits you with some weak low attack which you can just recovery roll away from. Other than that you are completely safe from her Up + 4 combo starter, and completely safe from her roll which can be blocked high.
Her b+3 is a low that can be linked into Roll for a combo, just blocking high the entire time is a bad idea. Sure the damage is much less than combo's starting with u+4, but if you want to give away 27% of your life becuase you never block low, then Mileena will gladly take it.
I find it tough to fight any decent Mileena too. I'm forced to fight mostly defensive. Uppercut her teleport(hit or miss depending how low she hits u at), watch her overhead combo starter that every Mileena uses twice in a row, punish her roll, only throw safe projectiles or else u get punished by teleport. Thats all I can really do to beat her.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I'd go and say it's a 5/5, perhaps even a 6/4 in Rep's favor. Mileena is very punishable and somewhat predictable; this of course depends on the player - REO's Mileena is very, very good. He doesn't throw out many empty telekicks or rolls. I just block, punish and use crossovers essentially the entire match.


Monster Island Tournaments
I'm sure most of you watched the EVO stream and caught the rematch of REO vs CHris G. Did anyone else find it extremely annoying that they kept referring to her ball as you have to block low (ball hits high) and then saying Chris G doesn't know how to punish the telekick........... Reo kept jailing him thats why he can't punish it dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
This is why Mileena gives Reptile hell. Look at the telekick>sai shit. That DOES not happen vs any other character. Reptile's only way to deal with it is to crouch block or get a lucky d4.



HxC Femme-Fatale
Never would've guessed.

As a Mileena player myself, I've never had a problem with Reptile until my match with Arturo at ECT3. The matchup is in Mileena's favor I suppose, but playing as Mileena Reptile can be scary. You have to stick to your guns, and adapt extremely well.
Without that you flop easily against Reptiles. So afterwards I spent most of my time look at the matchup, from a Mileena's point of view. You have the right tools, and they are very useful in this matchup, but the second you fail to use them Reptile's abilities easily overwhelm. Forget it if the Reptile likes pressure and has a life lead, it's a mentaly scary matchup.

What've learned from my fight with Arturo
-Dive-Kicks CAN be dangerous w/ or w/out sai's.
-You can dive kick and eat a good 30+% combo
-Ex acid balls are the best AA for her tp's, because you can bait and charge
-Rolling is almost never acceptable w/out a b+3, or mid-air sai confirm.
-Reptiles run, is possibly her worst enemy besides Sub's clones, Kabal's run and Lao's hat.
-Up close Reptiles mix-ups are dangerous, if he can get past a d+4
-Reptiles acid ball wake up, is rediculously scary when done right, and is worse when the Reptile has life-lead
-Ex run stuffs some rolls, and Sai's. And coming out of the coner with one can lead to a beefy corner combo

So we have a matchup advantage, but it's still not very easy for us. It's a scary matchup for us, because if our game isn't solid it's a hard fight to win.
I never would've guessed, that there'd be a matchup in which both characters would feel the same way. Given certain situations, that is.
was getting consistently put in my place last night by [BMF] AIBOSTON (psn: BMFBoston) with his mileena in a KOTH i made with only quality players, in fact he was the only one i was getting beat by, until i invited another good mileena (psn: jlleo), and it was pretty much just mileena with the crown the entire time they were there. i was playing solid, just felt like mileena completely locks down reptile if they know what they are doing, and even if the reptile knows what he is doing, feels hopeless. i mean i eat a combo from pretty much any situation: knock me out of the air, land a roll, land an u+4 (which they can poke low an get u to fall into an up4), and it goes on...just felt like any time i was hit at all i ate a combo. not reality just how it felt because it was so frequent.

really the only time i had any momentum was going was after i baited a teleport and did an Ex. FB charge and waited for them to land in it, then get a combo from it and try to keep pressure as long as i could afterwards. still didn't win me any...i'll keep at it though by playing the matchup every night as much as possible, but i still feel it's 7-3 mileena's favor.