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I actually just deleted some MK4 videos last night that were stealing hard drive space on my computer.


that's good please try to make Bugs b/c i never and ever see any bug in mk4 except 1 about 3d screen bug


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
MK4 is a bug lol

But seriously, There is a combo video by MKK and one in the works. There are numerous glitches in the game, but I don't think a vid has been done for it.


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Oh I'm sorry I should have specified, I neglected to mention that I also erased the dimension it existed in as well.
DAVE101 said:
Shock said:
I actually just deleted some MK4 videos last night that were stealing hard drive space on my computer.
Wait wait wait... When did MK4 come out?...

huh, must be new.
Mortal Kombat 4 came out in the late 90's. There is a port version of this game on the Sega Dreamcast, it's called Mortal Kombat Gold.


DAVE101 said:
Shock said:
I actually just deleted some MK4 videos last night that were stealing hard drive space on my computer.
Wait wait wait... When did MK4 come out?...

huh, must be new.
mk4 release on Pc and ps1 and where mkgold releaed only on Dreamcast and now u can also play in pc with Dreamcast Emulator
Funny thing about MK4. My arcade still has a MK 4 machine in its original cabinet. I love the cabinet art with the big Quan Chi face but the game is awful to look at.

I did like the fan stage fatality though. :)
watching mk gold vids give u more thne mk4 does. some combos in mk gold dont work in mk4. mk gold is mk4 in hyper speed, its like hyper fighting on 8 stars only MK.


Premium Supporter
Are the character actions sped up but not the falling velocities or something? I am asking this because I was once told that there are combos you can do in MKT that you can't do in UMK3 because it's faster, but that isn't true, everything is faster about it, it's "game X 1.333" not pieces of game.


Elder God
i know there is a difference about some juggles but thats it. i havent played much mk gold.

MKK hanzo

I was once told that there are combos you can do in MKT that you can't do in UMK3 because it's faster, but that isn't true,
In MKT psx there are arcade combos that doesnt work due to sprite size. Example: rmac vs any male ninja. Ermac cornered. HkLp whiff Tlpt, aaHp, Rh. Tlknt Slam, foward JK, GC tlpt , Rh, Uppercut.

The tlpt doesnt connect on male ninjas but it works ok for Jax and Striker. Maybe the distance the Tlp has to travel is larger and it doesnt make it in time to hit the character when he is still in the air.

Also NW can corner 3 Hk combo way MORE characters than he can in ARC so those are combos that cannot be done on ARC. Example against Sonya.