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Very cool raiden training room combo vid (33 min)

Very indepth raidin combo guide showing what's good pressure combos are and which aren't as well as big damage combos. Kinda long and shows them messing around a bit but a worth while watch.

Yeah, that combo is rediculous! Super-props to him for figuring that out! I've got an approx 30% with raiden but I hadn't tried the teleport to extend the combo so that opens up a lot of possibilities. The EX shock grab as an anti-air is also an amazing idea. I'm going to use the hell out of that! I potential 25% punisher off of an anti-air is a big deal. I wonder if it's possible to get two shock grabs in one combo(doubt it). Hopefully I get to play tonight and get some testing in there. Love raidin so far but man he does have some worthless moves like they showed here :)