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Utah MK - UMK3 October results


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I held another UMK3 tournament at our local SSF4 ranbat. There was a lot more interest in the game this time with people watching and remembering playing the game way back.

Had 9 players again, but I opted out of the tournament (because everyone here is pretty free) so they could have more fun playing against themselves...and it made it a clean 8 man bracket. I played the tournament winner in a "Super" Grand Finals after and won 3-2 playing various characters. Nobody knows what to do against Kitana pressure and Reptile forceballs lol

It was really fun and can't wait until next month when I can hold another one.

Here are the results:

1. Josh (Kano, NW, Sindel, R.Smoke)
2. Thanh (Cl. Sub)
3. Ricky (R.Smoke)

NOTE: The Grand Finals were pretty hype. Josh, who is the one who usually wins everyone but me nearly lost to Thanh's Classic Sub...falling for ground ice shenanigans. I was telling Thanh how to best punish Robot Smoke's Teleport, then Josh picked NW lol I wish I had a camera, it was a fun tournament. It is hard to pull people away from the main tournament...there were only 8 players, but my tournament lasted 30 minutes longer than the SSF4 tournament due to people wanting to watch matches. Which is fine, it made more people watch the later UMK matches after the sf tourney got done. Win for me lol


Good stuff Konqrr. That's exactly how the Castle Golf tournaments were. People were playing 3s alot and wanted to see those matches, so UMK3 actually got more love because when 3s was over they all came to watch UMK3 when Shock, Summoning and Joe were playing.


Great stuff Konqrr. Its awesome to hear that people are getting interested in the game and in my personal opinion the fact that you didnt join was very very nice thing to do. Probably now they appreciated the game even more (when there are no pros around to annihilate them and kill all interest and curiosity). I just have the same question as last time, did you record any of the matches? :))))))


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Great Job Konqrr. We had a little gathering last night on Long Island with 6 players as well, so altogether we had two UMK3 game nights going on coast to coast. Could be a first.