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Useful tools from the web

Hey guys, just felt like giving back to the community and sharing some scripts, plugin-ins and other software tools I've come across on the net to make my web browsing and computer usage a little more productive.


In the above link you will find one bookmarklet called 'linkify'. I use Firefox and I put it on my bookmark toolbar. When you click on it, it turns any regular link (starting with http://) on a web page that's not hyper-linked, into one. Very useful tool I came across.

Then another one I'm sure most of you guys are aware of but for those who aren't check out

The link is for Firefox but I think it's made for other browsers too. Blocks most ads on the web and even Youtube videos.

And last one for right now is http://www.imgburn.com/ Best disc burning app I've come across.

I'll post more later. But I hope you guys find these handy, and if you want to share as well.