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Dojo Trainee
I'd like to bring to attention the integral need for ALL APPLICABLE IN-GAME CONTENT IN MORTAL KOMBAT 11 -- including, but not limited to: customisation gear, special abilities, finishers, characters* -- TO BE ACCESSIBLE TO THE PLAYER-2 SIDE IN LOCAL 'VERSUS' (ET AL.) MODES.

The reason for this petition is that the equivalent content ("gear" / "load-outs") was not made usable for the player-2 side, in offline versus mode, in NRS's last game: Injustice 2. Clearly, this incongruous design (choice?) gimped the offline component of said game -- the literal meat and bones, and key longevity component of any fighting game (...not least of which, fighting games incorporating extensive unlockable content).

For Injustice 2, specifically, this design peculiarity was so ill-thought-out, that the TMNT character DLC was effectively locked to player-1 use only (*given the chars. in question were locked to the game's "load-out" system, three of the four characters in the package are forever stuck on the player-1 side -- because of player-2's inaccessibility to said [broken] system!).

I would like to put this issue to the forefront of NRS's 'to-do' objectives, and before the game is released. For once the game hits shelves (read: $hekel$ hit the game producers' bank accounts), those who such pleas must be directed to in order to get any satisfaction, suddenly become deaf; and then likely nothing will ever get done--if similar problems end up present in M11K.

As such, I entreat anyone who plans to play M11K offline -- console, PC or otherwise -- to bring this issue to the attention of NRS--if not Ed Boon himself. For consoles, such a 'bug' would force local players to use individual save profiles each time they played locally on an estranged console (if they wanted to access their own content); while, for hapless PC users, it effectively gimps offline [versus] play outright--due to the lack of secondary profile functionality for said format.

I have posted this here (and will endeavour to do the same at any official M11K fora that pops up), due to the exposure TYT gets in MK circles... In the hope that the message filters through to the MK powers that be.



Sure, I'd like for the 2P to have access to the same as 1P. But we don't actually know if that's the case or not in MK11. This is something you should bring up in a Q&A, which they will probably have during the Kombat Kast streams.
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Shirai Ryu
Player 2 can access all TMNT no problem though. Each of their unique weapons is available by default, you just need to equip the weapons for the player 2 login.


I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me

For the love of all things please just let the skins and gear be universal. That's truly all I ask.

Skins were universal in MKX! They should be in MK11. I'll be really annoyed if that's not something they ironed out and fixed for this game because it made local play so boring in Injustice 2. I want to be able to have both characters be geared up and cool to both player's preferences. Just let player 1 create the variations and let player 2 use them. So, that I can make a special variation for my friend and they can use it whenever they're over or so on.


Frozen Soul
I support this a 100%. If the P2 profile has its own custom variations then the game should ask if the P2 profile wants to use P1 custom variations or P2 profile variations.


Dojo Trainee
Player 2 can access all TMNT no problem though. Each of their unique weapons is available by default, you just need to equip the weapons for the player 2 login.
On PC, there is no "player-2 login"; and on consoles, one has to have their profile loaded (from their own console) to use their own unlocked content. From what I understand (*PC user), "guest" profile does not allow the unlocked content to be used. That, and the TMNT, being oddly assigned to "load-out" (as distinct from having separate or shared character select screen slots) are in the same basket as everything else -- player-1 only.

Having said that, the fundamental point is this:

They could provide multiple save profiles, like many other games have for many years, or they could simply make the unlockable content universally available across both player-1 and 2 (again, what has been standard for decades). Whichever way they do it, content cannot remain locked to player-1 only. Doing so effectively renders the offline component of the game a veritable 'demo'... Which is unacceptable for a fighting game that is played primarily (competitively, that is) offline.